Billowed and pillowed but shipwrecked in sheets? Shed the weight, dump the stuff, and jettison the cargo you were never meant to carry. Make space for self-care. Inspired by chapter 8, “Insomnia.” Leaving some whitespace here this month as I rest with Bonnie. I’m reading and writing on a chapter a day. In […]
Still Saturday: Shalom
Remember the past. Collect the broken pieces. Bring a yellow pail. Shalom. Inspired by chapter 6, “The Basement.” Leaving some whitespace here this month as I rest with Bonnie. In the stillness, Sandy This post is part of the “Finding Spiritual Whitespace Blog Tour” which I am a part of, along with a group of […]
Fine Art
Too much text turns you into a commercial. Whitespace says you are fine art. Inspired by chapter 5, “The Screen Door.” Leaving some whitespace here this month as I rest with Bonnie. In the stillness, Sandy This post is part of the “Finding Spiritual Whitespace Blog Tour” which I am a part of, along with a group […]
The Harder Path
Flipping through pictures. Cutting up the memories. Take the harder path. Inspired by chapter 4, “Cut up.” Leaving some whitespace here this month as I rest with Bonnie. In the stillness, Sandy This post is part of the “Finding Spiritual Whitespace Blog Tour” which I am a part of, along with a group of […]
Take the Gift
Floating like a leaf. Puddled in the toy store aisle. Take the gift. Keep it. Inspired by chapter 3, “The Toy Store.” Leaving some whitespace here this month as I rest with Bonnie. In the stillness, Sandy This post is part of the “Finding Spiritual Whitespace Blog Tour” which I am a part of, along with […]
Frozen by the past. Wallpapered memories melt. Follow the current. A little haiku inspired by chapter 2, “Wallpapered Memories.” Leaving some whitespace here this month as I rest with Bonnie. In the stillness, Sandy This post is part of the “Finding Spiritual Whitespace Blog Tour” which I am a part of, along with a group of […]
Desolate Places
Find rest for your soul in the desolate places. Be still. Know He’s God. A little poem inspired by chapter 1, “Desolate Places.” Leaving some whitespace here this month as I rest with Bonnie. In the stillness, Sandy This post is part of the “Finding Spiritual Whitespace Blog Tour” which I am a […]
still saturday: enough for this day
When we breathe, we do not stop inhaling because we have taken in all the oxygen we will ever need, but because we have all the oxygen we need for this breath. Then we exhale, release carbon dioxide, and make room for more oxygen. Sabbath, like the breath, allows us to imagine we have done […]
still saturday: a resting place
“Stillness, calmness, tranquility, peacefulness. However you choose to describe it, such a state is possible only by way of relationship with the master. It is found in him alone. Quietness, according to Scripture. is the very thing God works in you, that he achieves in you. Why? Because his desire for union is greater than […]
still saturday: slow down enough to notice
“I think Brother Lawrence was a man other men usually miss, typically dismiss. Which is too bad. His quietness was thoughtfulness. And in his quietness, Brother Lawrence discovered one of life’s deep secrets, and he was happy to tell others about it for the asking: God is everywhere. God hovers in the air just behind you. […]