“I think Brother Lawrence was a man other men usually miss, typically dismiss. Which is too bad. His quietness was thoughtfulness. And in his quietness, Brother Lawrence discovered one of life’s deep secrets, and he was happy to tell others about it for the asking: God is everywhere. God hovers in the air just behind you. God slips in, furtive and alert, among your comings and your goings. God listens, and watches, and–yes–speaks. Only, you need to slow down enough to notice. But so often we, like Martha, become distracted by many things and miss Jesus sitting right there in our kitchen.” ~Mark Buchanan in The Rest of God
Still slowing,
Welcome to Still Saturday where we pause after a busy week, move in quiet pilgrimage, maybe linger a while in some still place, and soak in the beauty of images and words. We’d love for you to join us. Get the details on the left, grab your favorite button, and link up below. We all love to hear if something especially speaks to your heart, but please don’t feel pressured to comment. Simply take some time to gaze long and drink deep.
Sheila Seiler Lagrand says
We’re on the same wavelength tonight, Sandra.
This is beautiful. Like you. Thank you.
And thanks, as always, for this wonderful space. xoxo
Sandra Heska King says
Love riding the same wavelength with you, Sheila.
Sheila Seiler Lagrand says
me too. Me too.
Elizabeth says
I love that quote!
Sandra Heska King says
I like the part about Him hovering in the air…
Sylvia R says
Thanks, Sandy, for this truth that I needed so much to be reminded of today, this potentially over-the-top busy day. I love that quote illustrated with that photo. The urge it evokes in me is to take that top table off again and sit at the bottom table in the quiet of a summer’s-end abandoned picnic place, in stillness with Him!
Sandra Heska King says
I love how the photo inspires you, Sylvia! I thought of arms raised in alleluias. 🙂
I hope you find some quiet moments today.
Patricia @ Pollywog Creek says
It appears that I’m riding that wave with you and Sheila today. God is good. His grace and mercy are never-ending. Much love to you this day, dearest Sandra.
jean wise says
Just read a book called Noticing God by Richard Peace that had many of these same thoughts. He calls noticing God one of the spiritual disciplines. I really liked that. Great quote and reminder for today!
Michelle DeRusha says
A blessed weekend to you, Sandy.
Barbie says
So good! I’ve been distracted by many things lately. I don’t want to miss Him!
Kris says
Thank you, Sandy for the reminder to slow down. It seems I can always use the nudge. XO
Shelly Miller says
I completely forgot to link up last night. ack. Anyway, I read this exact same portion of Mark’s book and used another quote from the same chapter in my post today for Sabbath. I’m now reading Practicing the Presence of God by Lawrence because he inspired me. This was a sacred echo for me, thanks.
Jason Stasyszen says
I’m certainly guilty of missing Jesus in the kitchen, but what a beautiful picture and reminder this is! Thank you, Sandra.
Beth says
I love this quote! Really, really love. Thank you for sharing. Many blessings.
Laurie Collett says
Beautiful quote.. may we invite Him to sup with us. Thanks for hosting & God bless.
Joanne Norton says
I was given the book by Brother Lawrence about 1-1/2 years after I came to the Lord, so the summer of ’67. It hit me then, I kept it for years and then gave it to someone else who was special. Now I have another one. Don’t read it often, but have read it a number of times. Seeing how he started very, very basically, with very few high expectations, and then becoming a God-oriented, appreciated monk, just doing his job, was a very special opportunity for him and his contacts/friends/co-servers. I always like it when it’s shared in our present-day world, b/c , in some ways, it’s a reminder that life truly doesn’t change a whole lot. People are people. I need that reminder on a daily basis now.
Good to “see” you. Always is.
Joanne Viola says
I love the quote but then I loved the book 🙂 I had similar thoughts for today. This morning is my turn in children’s ministry so I am glad for the reminder to look for & notice Him in there today!
Have a blessed Sunday,
Nina says
Silence and awaiting is not popular in this time and age – yet it’s what we need and long for … In order to hear and see Him!
Kristen says
So happy to find your blog, Sandra. What a needful reminder to slow down and what a fitting quote. Thanks for using your pen to encourage and give glory where its due.