“Am I bothering you?” Dad’s calling again. You sure are! (I’m really not doing anything that can’t be interrupted.) “Good!” Dad will turn 93 in just a few days. We would be in Michigan right now to celebrate his birthday as well as my sister’s first anniversary and our oldest granddaughter’s graduation, but COVID is cancelling and complicating a lot of plans. Dad’s been painfully lonely since my mom died eight-and-a-half years ago, and nearly unbearably so since COVID. Before … [Read More...]

Covid Chronicles – Keeping Distance
Keeping distance has really not been all that difficult for me. I'm mostly introverted--an INFP--though I might fool you with my extroverted side. I'm not sure if that's a natural or developed part of … [Read More...]

Covid Chronicles – Resurrection Monday.
Today is Resurrection Monday.Yesterday was Easter, and I cried. It was a small thing that triggered it on top of something else that happened the night before. That sparked a cascade of past hurts. … [Read More...]

Covid Chronicles – March 2020
Life in the time of Covid isn't normal. Just in case you didn't know.My 92-year-old (93 next month) dad had a couple procedures yesterday. The hospital board had to approve them as essential. Because … [Read More...]

The Yellow Wall-Paper: A Graphic Novel
In all my 71 years, I'd never heard of The Yellow Wall-paper. I'd never heard of its author, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, either. Also, I never pay attention to graphic novels--which is odd since I like … [Read More...]

I Quit
I quit.I came by here for a visit and found it's been six months, almost seven, since I've strung any words together in this space.Because I quit. I keep getting new visitors, though. And views on my … [Read More...]

Commit Poetry: Kindness
We have seen kindness in action during the last several weeks. My 16-year-old grand girl, Gracee AKA Grace AKA Amazing Grace, was in a serious car accident in June. I've been in Michigan (I forgot to … [Read More...]
Commit Poetry

Commit Poetry: A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Since I turned 70 earlier in the year, I've had to accept I'm way, way past midlife. But some say that 70 is the new 40 (or is it 50?), and my own midsummer night's dream is one of looking and feeling … [Read More...]

Commit Poetry: Let Evening Come by Jane Kenyon
Tweetspeak Poetry has formed a "By Heart" Community, and we are memorizing a poem each month. For December it was "Let Evening Come" by Jane Kenyon. Having lived for years in the country and walked … [Read More...]

Dared: To Paint a Wall Chartreuse
Chartreuse. The color of your creativity. That phrase pinged around my head this morning. I wrote it on an index card, attributed it to L.L. Barkat, and pinned it to my bulletin … [Read More...]

Dared: A 30-Mile Bike Ride and a Request
I've gone and dared myself again. Back in December my cardiologist told me I needed to lose some weight. Sigh... I know that, but he's the first doctor who ever called me out. In the past … [Read More...]