Billowed and pillowed
but shipwrecked in sheets?
Shed the weight,
dump the stuff,
jettison the cargo
you were never meant to carry.
Make space for self-care.
Inspired by chapter 8, “Insomnia.”
Leaving some whitespace here this month as I rest with Bonnie.
I’m reading and writing on a chapter a day.
In the stillness,
This post is part of the “Finding Spiritual Whitespace Blog Tour” which I am a part of, along with a group of soulful, journeying kindreds. To learn more and join us, click here.
I like to read as well. Just have to find the time. Sounds like a good book!
It’s a good one, Becky. Especially if you’re needing to breathe. 🙂
I just wrote an article about self-care for Family Fire, and then here you are taking care of yourself! I am glad He reminded you to dump those things that don’t belong to you…it is good to see your words on screen again…
Good to see you here, friend. Why is it we think we can just keep going like energizer bunnies for others? Eventually our batteries will die.
Fortunately, I have learned to take care of me, to slow down and savor the moment.
Blessings, Sandy!
I like the simplicity (and the white space), Sandi. I also like the idea of reading and commenting on a book as a blogging series, although I think I would tend to get too heavy and overwhelmed with it. I’m looking for any corners of white I can find as my kids just finished school today. Thanks for linking up with Unforced Rhythms.