The world here is resting in gray and white and brown.
It seems like it’s been resting now for far too long, and surely it’s time to get up already. I remind myself there’s, “[S]till movement in this waiting,” as Emily P. Freeman says in A Million Little Things: Uncover the Art You were Made to Live, “though it may be hard to see.”
Life still thrums deep under deep.
In section 3, Freeman asks us to show up to life as a poet, believing God wants to come out. We’re to show up as we are, where we are. She reminds us, though, to acknowledge our limitations and accept them as the gifts they can be—to help us draw boundaries and show us what our passions aren’t. She talks about how we need to offer our art back to God in the presence of others—remembering that we “are not asked to manage the outcomes. You are simply asked to come out.”
Join me as I share my “coming-out” story over at The High Calling today.
Still becoming,
Oh Sandy – I love this new design. It’s so pure and lovely.
Thanks, sweet friend. I love it, too. I miss you.