Wednesday, October 19 Suds quiver like jello on the edge. A grain of sanderlings skitters along the water, and one seems to surf a wave. A pair of gulls gaze out at who knows what. An older couple about my age, with rolls exposed, strolls past, she in a two-piece and he in a Speedo, both dark-tanned and […]
how to become more fully yourself
The world here is resting in gray and white and brown. It seems like it’s been resting now for far too long, and surely it’s time to get up already. I remind myself there’s, “[S]till movement in this waiting,” as Emily P. Freeman says in A Million Little Things: Uncover the Art You were […]
the geography of memory: saving scents to save sense
… memory isn’t an arm or a leg, to be controlled at will. Sometimes a memory leaps like a big playmate who hasn’t booked a play date. It won’t take no for an answer. I try to sit with it. I try to give it my attention. Then later, when I call, it won’t […]