About hope and Haiti and purpose in later years.
Still Saturday: The Beauty of Thy Peace
Dear Lord and Father of mankind, forgive our foolish ways; reclothe us in our rightful mind, in purer lives thy service find, in deeper reverence, praise. In simple trust like theirs who heard beside the Syrian sea the gracious calling of the Lord, let us, like them, without a word rise up and follow […]
Exhale Frozen Breath
The psychodogs take less than two minutes to relieve themselves before they beg to come back in. It’s still dark when I step outside. I catch my breath and imagine ice crystals forming around my lungs. I try to guess the temperature as the garage door creaks upward in protest. I slip my jacket sleeves over […]
40 Words of Lent: Day 15
Winter’s worn out, and it’s melting into dirty banks and muddy waves, leaving browned tree skirts and revealing what’s been broken. Our world is puddled from the weight of it. I’ve learned: When life gets messy, spring’s on its way. Word Count: 40 Today’s Reading: Luke 20-24 In the stillness, Sandy Linking […]
leaning into the winds of change
White waves roll across the field, and cyclones swirl from the surface. The feeder’s are a’flurry, and the windows thunk more often as the birds bounce off them. Everyone’s talking about the weather. Janice Dean of Fox News says she’s never seen anything like it in all her years as a meteorologist. But I remember […]
scripture sunday: power and glory
I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. ~Psalm 63:2 (NIV) Still melting, Sandy With Deidra
in which i love winter
I’m a summertime gal. Bring on the sun, the heat, the sweat. Let me rock on the porch with a glass of iced tea, sporting a pair of shorts and my Tigers T-shirt, inhaling the scent of petunias. Or give me springtime, air heavy with the fragrance of lilacs, pregnant with new life, the […]
Waiting for Spring
The highway stretches and bends white. The grandgirls are riding with us. Grace is playing with her new Kindle Fire, and it sounds like she’s spraying paint in the back seat. Then it’s quiet, and she is reading. She shows me where she’s highlighted some words. Lillee sleeps. I amuse myself by snapping pictures […]
Sunday Seasoned Sayings: Winter
“Hear! Hear!” screamed the jay from a neighboring tree, where I had heard a tittering for some time, “winter has a concentrated and nutty kernel, if you know where to look for it.” ~Henry David Thoreau (November 28, 1858 journal entry)
First Snow
soft no flurry at the feeders no song in the air no footprints to follow just brushed wet kisses and manna whispers still Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Psalm 51:7 (NIV) Adding my words to other poets at One Shot Wednesday. And […]