A WordCandy Poem Give me silence, water hope. It is time to ravel rays from ravished dreams. Steady yourself and see the length of life is decreed by nature, its depth by grace. To me every hour of the light and dark is a miracle softening into butter. A thing like that can make […]
still saturday: strength
“Quiet down, far-flung ocean islands. Listen! Sit down and rest, everyone. Recover your strength. Gather around me. Say what’s on your heart. Together let’s decide what’s right.” Isaiah 41:1 (Message) “In silence and quietness the devout soul makes progress and learns the hidden mysteries of the Scriptures.” ~Thomas a Kempis Welcome to Still Saturday […]
be still – just be
“It is often when we’re swallowed up in God that we find our true selves. We discover our true identity, not as do-ers but as be-ers. Our tasks in this life boil down to: ‘Be still, and know that I am God.’ Indeed, this is why many of us avoid silence and solitude–because our self-identities […]
still saturday: true silence
True silence is a key to the immense and flaming heart of God. ~Catherine de Hueck Doherty In the stillness, Sandy Welcome to Still Saturday where we pause after a busy week, move in quiet pilgrimage, maybe linger a while in some still place, and soak in the beauty of images and words. We’d love for you to join […]
Still Saturday: Catching Quiet
It is a hard art to learn, catching quiet by palms raised cupped in air shifting location here and there like trying to guess the pattern of falling leaves, and hoping to feel the soft descent of moments when silence slips between sounds. ~Enuma Okoro from “Passing Ordinary Time” as found in At the Still […]
Word Candy: When You’re Feeling a Little Dry
Have you heard about the new app in town? It’s this shoppe where you can stop and stir up a little sweetness, kindle some courage, whisper words of wisdom, and more. Pick a category, choose a line, and then match it with a photo. Create an encouraging card to share with friends on your blog, via […]
Still Saturday: All Shaken Up
And we did do some talking, but eventually this wise woman said to me, “Ruth, you are like a jar of river water all shaken up. What you need is to sit still long enough that the sediment can settle and the water can become clear.” ~Ruth Haley Barton in Invitation to Solitude and Silence Welcome […]
Still Saturday: When Talkativeness Prevails
Silence is nothing else but waiting for God’s Word and coming from God’s Word with a blessing. But everybody knows that this is something that needs to be practiced and learned, in these days when talkativeness prevails. Real silence, real stillness, really holding one’s tongue comes only as the sober consequence of spiritual stillness. […]
Still Saturday: The Rest of My Life
“There is a rest in love. A pause, a trusting pause before a spinning world. A place of mending when the threads have come undone. Lord, you calm my resisting soul. You hush the voice of urgency, of panic, of alarm. You call down severity, diminish need. You tender me to silence, loving, curing silence. […]
Still Saturday: Oneth the Soul
As long as the mud is in motion in the water there is no clear vision through it, and again as long as the surface is covered with ripples there can be no adequate reflection of what surrounds the pool. As long as the soul is not still there can be no vision, but when […]