“Quiet down, far-flung ocean islands.
Sit down and rest, everyone.
Recover your strength.
Gather around me.
Say what’s on your heart.
Together let’s decide what’s right.”
Isaiah 41:1 (Message)
“In silence and quietness the devout soul makes progress and learns the hidden mysteries of the Scriptures.”
~Thomas a Kempis
Welcome to Still Saturday where we pause after a busy week, move in quiet pilgrimage, maybe linger a while in some still place, and soak in the beauty of images and words. We’d love for you to join us. Get the details on the left, grab your favorite button, and link up below. We all love to hear if something especially speaks to your heart, but please don’t feel pressured to comment. Simply take some time to gaze long and drink deep.
Strengthened in the stillness,
Sandy, your photos are so beautiful. The colors are just breathtaking and they look awesome with your site background. You are so gifted at capturing those birds. It’s great to link up with you, have missed this community.
Blushing here. Thank you, Shelly. And I’ve missed you here.
This is beautiful! Love the verse and the little nudge to be still this weekend. Thank you! 🙂
Have a beautiful–and restful–weekend, Lyli.
Sandy, I look forward to this link-up all week! Your images and words remind me to slow down, enjoy some peace, and focus on the Lord! Thank you so much for this quiet space 🙂 Have a blessed day!!
And thank you so much for bringing a little light to this space, Amanda. Love to you.
Sandy, your bird photos always make me smile. Such beautiful captures! I love coming by here for a breath and some quiet on Saturdays. Love and peace to you this weekend, my friend. XO
Thanks, Kris. I never get tired of watching my birds. 🙂
How DO you do it?????????? stunning….
I don’t know. The camera does its thing… I still haven’t learned how to work the manual settings. 😉
Such beauty here.
This space that you’ve created and open to us each week? It’s a gift. A big ole blessing. Thank you.
A big ole blessing coming right back to you, dear Frio sister. You’re a gift.
I forgot to tick the box for comments.
There is such a peace when I visit your sight on Saturdays. Thank You
Thank you, Rachael. I’m glad you’re here.
Awesome photos, Sandra! Peace be with you. Thanks for hosting & God bless.
Thanks for sitting with us, Laurie.
Love the Thomas a Kempis quote – copied it in my journal. Perfect for my quiet theme this year. I think of you every time I try to capture a bird photo – always end up saying, “I wish Sandy was here!”
You make me smile big, Maureen. 😀
Look at those cute puffy guys – so sweet. I am embarrassed to admit that I don’t know what kind of bird that is — mourning dove, maybe? But I don’t recall their chests being so golden – so pretty!
Yes, they’re mourning doves. They sit very still for long periods 🙂
Love how peaceful and content they look.
Wow, what magnificent photos! The artistry in that bird moves me. Thanks for sharing them and the words of peace and rest!
Gorgeous photos and post. I just discovered your blog this morning and Still Saturday. I posted a music video this morning on my blog of Mercy Me so will wait until another week to join and follow the rules. I’ve enjoyed my visit to your lovely blog Sandy. Belssings. . .