It is a hard art to learn,
catching quiet
by palms raised
cupped in
air shifting location
here and there like
trying to guess the pattern of falling leaves,
and hoping to feel
the soft descent of moments
when silence slips
between sounds.
~Enuma Okoro from “Passing Ordinary Time” as found in At the Still Point
Welcome to Still Saturday where we pause after a busy week, move in quiet pilgrimage, maybe linger a while in some still place, and soak in the beauty of images and words. We’d love for you to join us. Get the details above, grab your favorite button, and link up below. We all love to hear if something especially speaks to your heart, but please don’t feel pressured to comment. Simply take some time to gaze long and drink deep.
Love that book, don’t you. And Enuma is one of my favorite poets in it. Hope you have a wonderful weekend Sandy.
I do! So much in there.
Not familiar with the poet but I do like her poem! Is prayer like guesswork though? Perhaps at the start? Patsy
That’s an interesting question, Patsy. I guess it can feel like that sometimes. 🙂
You always have THE most interesting quotes, Sandy! I bought “The Rest of God” last week because of what I’ve read of it here – thanks for the recommendation! This one sounds intriguing too…but I think I need to go on a book-buying hiatus.
I keep saying that, too. And then that Laura goes and reviews some book… My Amazon wish list is about to explode!
This is so beautiful!! I love the poem! It is sometimes SO hard to just stop, listen, and be quiet. Especially in today’s busy, overwhelming, overstimulated world! Oh the peace we can find if we just learn to “catch quiet” in deep prayer 🙂 Thanks for sharing and for the link-up, have a beautiful day!!
It is hard–and older writings seems to indicate that those authors felt their world was too busy, too. They’re are a lot of reasons why we can’t stop even for a moment in the midst of our whirlwind lives–or are they excuses? Or maybe fear?
… ah … ‘catching quiet’
I love that invitation!
Sometimes it’s like trying to catch a butterfly, yes?
Deautiful poem — a needed reminder to be still, and know that He is God. Thanks for the great post & for hosting, & God bless!
And that’s just the beginning of the poem. 🙂 So glad you’re here, Laurie.
Oh, my. I need to think on this. Quiet, yes.
Thank you, Sandy. You’re especially on my heart this month.
Thank you, friend. So much. We’ve decided that trying to prepare and serve a Thanksgiving meal at the hospice house would just be too much this year. We’re going to continue with our usual tradition–minus one.
That’s a fine plan.
I like the poem that illustrates how to still our heart before God when we “catch the quiet” by raising our palms and sensing His presence.
I have seen people in worship “scoop” His presence toward and over themselves. Another physical way of entering the stillness.
Oh Sandy, what a lovely quote. Suddenly, I am reminded of someone (maybe Shelly) mentioning this book, and I think I need to get it! 🙂 And oh my….I already have forty-million books in our basement, and our house is sinking, but I would love to let words like those sink down deep and settle into my soul. Catching quiet is an interesting concept. I surely understand it’s metaphor, but how can I catch quiet until I *am* quiet? Ah, there’s the rub. Until I *am* quiet, quietude will be just as elusive as catching a scattering of leaves descending, dancing on a breeze. Thank you for providing a quiet space that stills the soul. God bless you and your Sunday,
PS Right now I am listening to Ballulalow from Benjamin Britten’s Ceremony of Carols. Now there’s a soul-quiter (that partcular song it in).
Yes, Shelly has this book, too, and often quotes from it.
I’m back to that butterfly image again–the thought of waiting until it settles on me instead of running after it. Perhaps we need a little of both. I have to position myself in the right place to attract it. 🙂
I’m so grateful for your words in this place, Lynn.
Yes, that’s it, Sandy. We must sit still for a butterfly to alight. (I’ve written a whole book chapter on that! 🙂 Have I ever shared that butterfly quote with you…..or maybe on another blog? I was wondering if you were alluding to it? I’d be happy to look it up.
No! I didn’t read it and you didn’t share the quote. Yes, please. Look it up for me? And now I need to check out the book. 🙂
Love that idea: catching quiet. Breathing in the peace… Thanks Sandra.
If we can catch a cold by breathing, I guess we could catch His quiet, too. That’s what I want to infect me. 😉
Thanks for being here, Jason.
Oh my, what an image that is, hands in the air, quiet flitting down like leaves in the fall…. Beautiful, Sandy. Thank you for this.
This reminds me of one of Laura’s Playdates with God.
Wonder Land
Your words are inspiring me and that Scripture in the MSG…just inspirational! {just pinned it!}
😀 😀
Yesterday, I had a very still Saturday–in bed! I took a sick-and-tired day. I wasn’t quoting Psalms, but today I could read the Word again and be refreshed by it because my body and spirit weren’t so darned tired.
Good for you! Sometimes we just have to give in to that sick-and-tired, to rest in order to receive refreshment.
Love the image of open hands before God. Simply waiting – a faithful stance.
Expectant waiting…in faith. 🙂
Out of all your posts, this is the one I needed tonight.
Praying, friend. And glad that test is behind you. 🙂
You’re. Almost. Done.