Sunday, October 30 We visited another church this morning, and we were noticed by the missions pastor (can you spell Haiti?) and the preaching pastor (we talked pools.) Our realtor called during the last song to say she had more houses to look at. The first one had real possibilities– a screened pool, backing a […]
When You Need to Seam Home
The men are laying new vinyl today. “Do you want the seam here… or there?” asks the one in charge. And I’m thinking, I don’t care. I won’t be living with it. This will no longer my home. I’m losing my sense of home. I’m already separating from it like a dying person begins to […]
Where is Home?
“I know it’s morbid, my daughter says, “but I’ve been thinking about it, and so I’ll ask. If you and Dad die, is there enough life insurance to fly you home and bury you?” She asks him the same question over the phone, and he assures her there is plenty and more. I tell her I don’t […]
When You Need to Disengage to Redirect
“All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.” ~Anatole France Home. That’s the word I chose to guide my year in 2015. “It might mean fewer words see the light this […]
How To Share Your Faith At Home
It’s harder to be a light within these walls where my real is often not so happy than it is to point people to Jesus in a place of “real” work.
Motivated by Mad – My One Word
I don’t remember how the Christmas dinner conversation turned to the topic of my housekeeping skills–or lately lack of. My daughter spooned a little more au jus on her prime rib, the first I ever prepared–and it was perfect, by the way. “You know,” she said, “this house used to look amazing, and all […]
Word of the Week: Journey
jour ∙ ney – \ˈjər-nē\ noun : the act of traveling from one place to another : a process of changing and developing over a period of time : my car verb : undertake a journey or trip : travel upon or across Financially savvy folks save to pay hard cash for a new […]
I live in Michigan. I originated “down state,” but I grew up “up north.” I don’t think anybody knows for sure where “up north” starts, but where I live now is considered “down state,” but it’s not as far down the mitten as where I started. Up north starts for me where the trees […]
Sharing Your Faith When You Work at Home
It was one of those open-and-shut cases. The cancer sprawled through the belly. The surgeon had searched the cavity deep and wide and found no hope. He shook his head, took a few biopsies, and began the close. I’d dabbed the patient’s tears from the corners of her eyes and held her hand as […]
how you can help make a miracle–and a giveaway (or THREE–NOW FOUR!)
My friend, Jennifer Dukes Lee, has a knee-knocking, God-sized dream knocking on her heart. She wants to give a house for Christmas. You read that right. SHE WANTS TO GIVE A HOUSE FOR CHRISTMAS. A. Whole. House. Not a big house. Just a whole house. One that’s not in pieces. To replace one that’s “melting” […]