My friend, Jennifer Dukes Lee, has a knee-knocking, God-sized dream knocking on her heart. She wants to give a house for Christmas.
You read that right.
A. Whole. House.
Not a big house.
Just a whole house.
One that’s not in pieces.
To replace one that’s “melting” around her friend, Adeline.
One with one small room and a dirt floor.
One whose mud and cardboard is disintegrating.
And Jennifer has this crazy-ridiculous notion that we all want to help.
But wait.
There’s more.
She wants to gift it to Adeline personally on Black Friday when she visits her in Haiti.
On Black Friday while we’re still holding our stomachs while still stuffing them with leftovers.
On Black Friday when we’re out shopping for the newest and the biggest and the hottest.
On Black Friday when we’re stuffing stockings and decking halls.
She wants us to help her buy a house for a woman we don’t even know.
A sister in a country where most of us have never been.
In a little over a week!
I hear you laughing.
I know.
Ridiculous, right?
But wait.
Isn’t our God the God of the Ridiculous?
The King of Crazy Hope?
And don’t you just love crazy surprises?
We know this: We alone can’t do for everyone, but together we can do for one.
And together we can do this thing! We can help make a real #HomeForTheHolidays by purchasing Vi Bella Jewelry using this special code word at check out–newhouse.
Because… a full 30 percent of each order will go to help fund this home for Adeline, and the rest will help create beautiful lives for the other Vi Bella artisans–wounded women finding hope by creating beauty for others. Get all the details here at Jennifer’s place.
Tell you what. Let’s make a deal!
You go check out Jennifer’s story, and if you feel as ridiculous as she does. If you feel led to help gift a house, to gift Adeline with hope, by gifting others (or yourself) with some Vi Bella Jewelry, do it. And then come back here and tell me about it. And here’s why:
I hardly ever do this, but I’m ridiculously excited over this project, and I want you to feel ridiculously excited, too!
So on Black Friday, Grace the grandgirl will draw two names. One of you will receive a copy of Wounded Women of the Bible: Finding Hope When Life Hurts by Dena Dyer and Tina Samples. And one of you will receive a $20 Amazon gift card.
UPDATE!!!!! Monica Sharman has asked to offer yet another gift for a giver! A copy of Jean Fleming’s book, Pursue the Intentional Life, embraced by a Vi Bella Beautiful Life Spring Bag! (The bag colors even match the book cover.) And get this… an entire section of the book is called, “A Beautiful Life in a Fallen World.” You know what Vi Bella means, right? It means “beautiful life.” I’m not kidding, friends. I’m getting all goose (God) bumpy here! Oh, and Monica wrote the Forward for this book. Read about it here on her blog.
So we–Monica and I–will be giving away not two, but THREE gifts for three givers. I could just weep here!
UPDATE #2! Dena Dyer is joining the the fun by offering a copy of a great memoir, The Long Awakening by Lindsey O’Connor! So Make that FOUR gifts for givers. Isn’t this exciting?
So what do you say? Do you want to–can you–help make a miracle? Me, too!
Stilled but excited,
This post? #heartswoon
Oh Sandra … Your heart beats like this: Jesus … Jesus … Jesus
You said everything I wanted to say today. You said everything I’m feeling deep inside of me. Thank you for finding the just-right words to wrap around our collective hearts and this crazy, ridiculous, God-sized dream of a project.
I can’t begin to tell you how much your encouragement means.
I love you, all the way around our favorite moon, and back again. 🙂
It’s gonna happen, you know! It is!
And I love you more.
Wow. And I thought Jennifer’s post had me crying. Yours started the waterworks all over again! God bless you and your Jesus-heart.
Isn’t it exciting? I’m guessing you ordered something, Rebecca by your comment over at Jennifer’s and your enthusiasm for spreading the news. Bless you.
I couldn’t resist this story. It’s the greatest. Really.
I showed my girls and they’re buying their 3 grandmas some necklaces and bracelets for Christmas.
Thanks so much for participating with Jennifer, Sandra. You inspire so many more than you know.
Those grandmas are going to love those gifts! I love all the new stuff they keep coming out with. I wonder what kind of “manly” items they might come up with. 😉
You inspire me, Mick! And you’re in the drawing. 🙂
As soon as I read Jennifer’s post, I had to do it. Had to. I shopped at ViBella for my mom’s birthday gift (and her birthday is not until October!).
I actually know someone who bought someone else a house (here in Colorado). So when I saw Jennifer was going to do the same thing, well…yahoooo!
Black Friday. The timing seems just right, doesn’t it?
You’re going to actually be able to hold that for almost a year? I’d have to wear it myself. 🙂
I can’t wait until Black Friday. I would love it if Jennifer has someone record giving Adeline the news!
Sitting with tears… First Jennifer’s post, and then this. You ladies… geez. Shopping tomorrow. I happen to live in the same town as ViBella and have the privelage of having some of my clients work for them in their Sioux Center office. Clients that need some tender loving care and training at work about how to work. Clients who get to do devotions at work, and may have never done devotions before that… Honestly, because I’m here, and I see this first hand… We are building a house in Haiti, but we are changing lives in America as we do it…. THANKS friends!
Okay, now I’m sitting with tears.
Heavenly Father ViBella wants to thank you for Sandra – God we pray life and blessing over her, and over Jennifer Lee today. We are grateful that you have given them, and lots of others, a heart for the hurting and needy. God we ask that you would help us to see others through your tender eyes and teach us Jesus how to love like you love! To see value in everyone you have created. Help us to be an advocate for those who do not have opportunity to speak for themselves. We at Vibella want to pray a blessing of this God-sized dream you have given Jennifer Lee – to build this home for Adilene. We love Adilene and know her need for a new home. Thank you God that all of us can be a part of your kingdom’s work around the world, for giving us opportunities to make a tangible difference in a person’s life! Amen and Amen!
Thank you, Glenda, and amen. So grateful for ViBella’s heart to help gift a beautiful life to each person–especially those who especially need to find hope through the hard of life.
Love you both, love your hearts. Love this project. Love our God. And I know I would love Adeline. I have this strange feeling that I may meet her one day 🙂 And I love that thought. Can’t wait to play my small part. Hoping God makes much of it.
Really? Wouldn’t it be so awesome if we could all meet her one day? Knowing God will make much of our small baskets of bread and fish. More than we can imagine in more ways than we could imagine.
I totally missed this, but wanted to speak up and say how wonderful you all are! (I had my head in a hole on Black Friday I’m afraid.) gonna go look at ViBella now anyway!
Total awesomeness, Beth. I’m not sure if the fundraiser has officially ended or not, so go ahead and use the discount code if you order. Just in case. 🙂
Just want to to let you all know that the NewHouse discount code is still active – so if you would still like to purchase jewelry and give credit to Adilene’s new house, and support Jennifer Lee’s God-sized dream – put “new house” in the discount code box and hit “apply” as your check out and your purchase will help build Adilene’s home in Haiti! God’s richest blessings to all of you who have answered “yes” to HIS call to HELP!