I wake up angry. And I’m angry about it. I’m angry that Lyla’s making us do two whole chapters at a time, and I know I’ll have to go through this book again and take my time, and I’m afraid won’t. I’m angry that I can’t answer even one childhood question–the ones Julia says will […]
The Artist’s Way: Descent into Ashes
I’ve written about the story before. The one I wrote and sent to the local paper–just like Jo in Little Women. How the newspaper sent it back–rejected. They might have sent an encouraging note, but I don’t remember. I only knew they didn’t want it. It wasn’t good enough. I wasn’t good enough. I threw […]
It’s the Climb
We called it a salt lick, the stand in the woods behind our house. I never saw salt, and I never saw deer licking it. But it made a great platform to climb up on and belt out words to a standing-room-only crowd. This audience swayed to the melodies, whispered their appreciation, and clapped […]
In Which I Cultivate My Wild Side–Or Not
Someone landed on my blog the other day when they searched for “Hoosier cabinet.” I doubt they found what they were looking for. That short little post was written in response to L.L. Barkat’s suggested writing exercise from God in the Yard to play with words. In the section on “Habits” from her newest book, Rumors […]
I’m Afraid to Read Ann Voskamp
“What are you hiding?” She asked. I stared at her. “What do you mean?” (It probably really came out like “Whaddayamean?”) I’d been transcribing reports for Heidi, a rehabilitation nurse, for several months. “I tell you about my family, stuff I’m doing, but you never tell me anything about you. It’s like you’re in the […]
When the F-Word’s Caught in a Web
I play the word game puzzle letters in bits and pieces lose scraps in dusty corners and the F-word’s caught in a web. So I plant potatoes in my bed, chase gophers in the garden, do battle with aliens, and have tea with a purple moth. Wait until it all comes around and a […]
A Magnificent Yes!
My throat twisted in that familiar knot, and my stomach reached up and pulled it tighter. Why did I always assume I’d done something wrong when someone in authority called? But it turns out my boss only wanted me to take a new project because she felt I could do a dandy job. The mouse […]
Accepting What is and Walking in the Flames
I see it from the kitchen window. The plum tree behind the what-used-to-be-the-chicken-house. It exploded into fragrant bee-laden blooms overnight. And I know those tiny bunches of purple-puckered balloons weren’t there yesterday. Last year I forced forsythia inside because I was so desperate for joy color. But it’s already burst into fire in the shade […]
To Greet the God in Me
Within the fence I limp searching for my soul past faded cones and seeds still clinging to the tree past algaed walls and rubbled piles of loss and buried dreams a grendeled past of fear and shame. And though I wear the helmet of a king and carry a sharp sword I look for just one […]
Chasing Flickers
I see them looking down from their perches. They’re talking to each other. “There are rumors of black oil, but those cylinders are running on empty.” I scoop seed from the bin and replenish the feeders. I’m distracted by a flicker on a nearby branch, so I hurry inside and come back with the […]