I stretch out on the blue carpet in front of the family room fireplace, palms up. And I beg God to let me feel the pain, to identify with what Jesus experienced as spikes seared his flesh. But as I wait in the stillness, I sense these words. “It is finished. Done. Over. Paid for […]
Does Gratitude Drip from Your Lips?
All moments funnel into one, swirl faster in eye-blurring fury and collide, shatter in slow motion. Metal against metal. I see the bike spin and slide across the concrete. D slams the car to a stop in the middle of the road and leaps out. I freeze in my seat, nauseous, gasping for air, […]
Of False Signs and Feathered Hope
There was thunder. And there was lightning. And Grace called, all whispers. “Grandma, I was just in bed saying my prayers. And I asked God to bring Great-Grandma back. And I asked Him to give me a sign that she was coming. And right then there was this big flash. And . . . she’s […]
Of Eyebrows and Impossibilities
Grace throws her green backpack on top of the pink and blue three-ringed notebooks on the floor in front of the passenger seat. She settles her flip-flopped feet on top of it all, buckles up and pulls down the visor. She studies herself in the mirror while she brushes her hair. “My top eyelashes […]
I Belong in this World–and I am Angry
I don’t know what to expect. But I pack a new lunch bag with seven-grain rolls, cheese, snow peas, carrots, and blueberries. I toss in a dark chocolate bar and a packet of tea bags. I fill a new stainless container of water. I pack a suitcase, stuff pencils and notebooks and gum in a […]
Small Cups and Petaled Moments
We gather around the T-shaped Sunday School tables, and she tells us about the time the lady next door decided to burn papers just as the wind picked up. But before long, the fire escapes its confines and surrounds the house. She calls the fire department and runs next door to rescue the children, but […]
A Magnificent Yes!
My throat twisted in that familiar knot, and my stomach reached up and pulled it tighter. Why did I always assume I’d done something wrong when someone in authority called? But it turns out my boss only wanted me to take a new project because she felt I could do a dandy job. The mouse […]
Staying in the Center
“What is THAT? STOP!” He jerks to a stop right there in the road. I fumble for my camera while I keep my focus on Lake Abby. I snap a couple of pictures of the black and white bird that floats in the center. We have no idea what it is. Pastor talks about the […]
Having Fun in the Sanctuary
Here I am to worship. Here I am to bow down. Here I am to re-member. The praise team begins to sing. And mini beach balls and bean bags and frisbees sail through the air. In the sanctuary. And people sing and laugh. And. Have. Fun. In the sanctuary. “Because,” he says, “Christians don’t […]
In Which I’m Interrupted
I curl into my fluffy white bathrobe. The fragrance of Country Chic lotion mingles with the faint scent of bleach. The morning sun streams through the front window, and a red cardinal eyes me from a bare branch. I cup my hands around my His-compassions-never-fail mug and inhale the aroma of fresh-perked black coffee. Then I […]