Saturday, October 1
It’s been raining for three days.
Muddy waves churn from the newly dug drain field in the side yard.
I’m wearing a Tshirt when I meet D at the airport.
I take along a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt and a jacket.
He changes in Bob Evans’ restroom.
His blood has thinned after living in South Florida for four months.
Our daughter’s histamine train is out of control
but puts on the brakes when she sees her daddy.
We will head north this morning for one last visit
because who knows how long it’ll be before we can return.
We take our skis for my sister to store.
She can use them if she wants.
They’re cross-country, not downhill.
I tried downhill once. It’s not safe.
This cross-country, downhill move from north to south
is in its last days.
We’re seeing last things and doing last things
as Matthew churns toward Haiti.
I’m worried about homes built in the side of a hill
and kids with no real home.
Some of their lives were churned when the earth churned.
I wonder if they understand, if they’re scared,
if their caretakers are making plans to keep them safe.
We’re eating a pot of vegetable soup right now
as the whole world churns.
I haven’t participated in the 31 days blogging challenge for a couple of years and totally forgot about it as we’re churning through our own chaos here. My dear friend and prayer warrior sister, Diana Trautwein reminded me with her day 1 post on paying attention. It struck me that since October is move month for us and since I’ve totally been neglecting this blog, and since I often operate on a whim anyway… it might be worth trying to write a few words each day–maybe some really bad poetry, maybe just three lines… some way to keep a record of this month. The photo images may be ho-hum, and I don’t even have a fancy button… But hey, I just wrote something…
I’m glad I get to follow along on your move! I admire your courage.
Well, day 19, and I’m finally coming back to day 1. Are you still with me? It’s an adventure, for sure.
Yay! 🙂
Yay! 😀
YAY, YAY, YAY~~ Brilliant idea, my friend. I will SO enjoy this, although I know it will be a tough and tender time for you and your dear man. Praying for you as you go, my friend. So much love being wafted across the highways.
I can’t believe I’m doing this… But I’m learning to pay better attention. <3
Oh, this I know… (except we moved toward more snow).
That… would be a challenge. My dear husband is glad to be free of it, except for visits.
My first reaction was that you’re crazy to take on something extra right now; but my next thought was how much we (and you) will treasure this record of your thoughts during this month of transitions. A daily journal! 🙂 Blessings to you in these days.
Crazy? Yes. But I think it will be fun to go back and remember. And as our Ann Voskamp says, re-member. Love you, Carol.