Word Count: 1
All the One Word Less for Lent 2015 posts are bundled here.
Live. Live now. Drink deep. Live deep. Live into this moment. Live forever. Because though they stretched Him out like a carcass, like a trophy, death could not hold Him. He roared and rose. HE’S ALIVE. Alleluia!
This ibis reminds me of Rahab’s scarlet cord–tiqvah–the color of hope.
Lion photo by Grace
In the stillness
Welcome to the Still Saturday Community where we pause after a busy week, move in quiet pilgrimage, maybe linger a while in some still place, and soak in the beauty of images and reflect on the depth of sparse words. We’d love for you to join us. Grab the button and link up below. We all love to hear if something especially speaks to your heart, but please don’t feel pressured to comment. Simply take some time to be still together, to gaze long and drink deep.
Forgive me for the lateness in posting. We returned late last night from Florida where my son began a new life of hope in a private wedding ceremony on Sunset Beach. We are so thrilled to welcome our new daughter-in-law and her son into our family! Photos to come.
You are celebrating so much this weekend! Congratulations on the wedding, which I’m sure is adding to your Easter gladness! Thank you for all your efforts toward creating community here on your site, and thank you for persevering through forty day and forty words. I’ve been waiting for this day of one word, and love the one you have chosen. Every blessing!
Thanks so much for your presence and encouragement, Michele. It certainly was a very full week, and I’m still coming down. 🙂
I hope your celebration was glad… and that we never come down from Easter.
Happy Easter Sandra! Congratulations on gaining a daughter this week! Wishing you shalom in this Holy weekend!
Thanks, MaryLeigh. I love her! And I hope your Easter you felt God’s touch in a very special way this season.
OH, the pictures, photos, Words are wonderful. AND Guy is one of my favorite singers. This just grabbed my attention and my heart. Thank you so much!
Gracee took that first photo. I gave her my camera at Busch Gardens. She got some goodies. 🙂
Hi Sandra. I just wanted to tell you that your One Word Less For Lent posts during Lent have meant so much to me. They have been a meaningful addition to these 40 days. Thanks so much for taking the time and the heart to do this.
Happy Easter to you and yours and your wonderful addition to your family!
He is Risen. We get to say Alleluia!
Thank you so much, Debbie. You’ve made my day.
He is risen indeed! He’s alive.
What more can I say! Listening to the music sends me to singing this wonderful hymn for the rest of the day!! : )
Caring through Christ, ~ linda
We can face uncertain days because He lives!
It was hard to leave our beloved Georgia and the church we belonged to when we moved back to Michigan. We sang this song our last Sunday there, and tears just streamed down my cheeks.
How blessed to live with Him, in His sufficiency because so many times I stumble and fall. So grateful that because He lives His redemption brings hope for my every moment.
Congratulations on the new joy!
Yes, Dawn! And thank you.
Thank you, Sandra, for this beautiful series. You have blessed my celebration of Easter every day of Lent.
Thank you, Debbie. You’ve blessed me my sharing those words.
So many meaning and depth in a few words. Beautiful.
Thank you for that, Lux. This has been quite an adventure. One I may undertake again. 🙂
Awesome! Thanks Sandra. 🙂
Thanks, Jason, for your ever-encouraging presence.
Congratulations to your son and his new bride! You have much to celebrate this weekend, my friend.
Thanks so much for hosting. Blessings to you and yours.
He IS risen!
Such a marvelous series of reflections, Sandy! Thanks for each one and my your Easter be blessed!
Blessings on your Easter, Sandra!
Just beautiful! I have so loved this series. The quote you shared today from CS Lewis – stunning. May we live between the paws! Have a blessed Easter!
Happy Easter dear Sandra! Because He lives I face eternity with hope and anticipation!