Charlene gave it to him. The same Charlene who scrawled across two pages in his high school yearbook. I tease him and call her “If-Our-Love-Is-True-Charlene.” He laughs and crosses his arms and scratches them like he does when he gets embarrassed. But he still wears it in spite of the holes that have unraveled. He’s practical like […]
five minute friday: cherish
Cherish. He tells me its his favorite song. I’m looking back through the window of time. It’s our first date. We’re on our way to the Waterfall in Ann Arbor after the Philadelphia Orchestra’s concert. The tables are full, so we sit with another couple that we don’t know. When D tells them he […]
31 Days on Coming to Grips with My Age ~ Day 15: Back to the Beginning
It’s dark. It’s early. I’m awake. He’s left the shades up this time like I asked (again), and I’m glad. I like to watch the morning come. Another beginning. I’m pretty sure he’s awake, too. I wonder if he knows I am. I’m still. My head and heart are so heavy with to-do’s and needs. […]
Of Love and Ducks
“Stop! Go back!” I reach for the camera and pop the lens cap off. He brakes immediately and turns around in the next drive. “Should I stop on this side of the road or go past and come back?” “Just stop, and I’ll jump out.” I do–and slam the car door. Not a good idea. […]
Of Green Mohair and Breakdowns
He’s had this green mohair cardigan for years. Charlene gave it to him. The same Charlene who scrawled across two pages in his high school yearbook. I tease him and call her “If-Our-Love-Is-True-Charlene.” And he laughs and crosses his arms and scratches them like he does when he gets embarrassed. But he still wears it […]
Love and Stillness
Be still and know I AM. Know I AM and be still. Reposting this from the archives because my words have been stilled this week. ********** But now thoughts travel. I remember silence across miles. A bench seat center. Knee to knee. Left hand encircles wheel. Right hand encircles my left. World passes. No words. Just […]