I had no clue how to categorize my blog when I first joined The High Calling network. L.L. Barkat was the managing editor back then, and she channeled me into Culture. Culture? Are you kidding? Really? I’m pretty sure she doesn’t know how much that one small act encouraged me. Then I lived with God […]
Awakening (Making Manifest: Week One)
Here I am. How did I get to this place at this moment? How did I end up sitting at this cracked pine table at 5 a.m. on a May morning in 2014? Did I choose this place? Or did it choose me? Did I choose to work through Dave Harrity’s Making Manifest: On Faith, […]
Something Close to Holy by Tania Runyan
Tania Runyan was my mentor via her book, How to Read a Poem, when Tweetspeak Poetry double-dog dared me to spend a month with T.S. Eliot. I’m excited to have her visit today as part of our month of Making Manifest. In Making Manifest, Dave Harrity tells us to “Remember that what you create is […]
Poems are Like Bats by Megan Willome
I’ve asked several poetic-type friends to share some words with us during this month of Making Manifest. Today I welcome my dear friend, Megan Willome–who’s comparing poems to bats. Wait… What? The weather is warm, and that means one thing in Central Texas — the bats are back! These creatures of the night will […]
Still Saturday: Our Job?
“Maybe it’s our job to incline our hearts toward silence, to head for the slight grace that stillness allows from the noises of our world. Or maybe our job is to disrupt the silence just so, to make some arrival, some gentle voice, some concrete clarity, some step toward reconciling our presence.” ~Dave Harrity […]
Making Manifest: Introduction by Dave Harrity
Today’s the day we start our devotional journey through Making Manifest: On Faith, Creativity, and the Kingdom at Hand by Dave Harrity, and I’m all tingly with anticipation. I can’t wait to see what happens when a group of us intentionally take some time over the month to daily slow down, still ourselves, listen, and create a […]
Making Manifest: Your Days Are Waiting
Your days are waiting to be left behind. So now, before sleep or waking make you forget, etch in yourself this moon, this leaf, this star. ~ from “Your Days Are Waiting” by Dave Harrity Tomorrow is the day. The day we begin our 28-day devotional journey through Making Manifest: On Faith, Creativity, […]
Richard Foster on Silence and Writing
I’ve been a Richard Foster fan for years. I’ve got the first editions of Celebration of Discipline (named by Christianity Today as one of the top 10 most influential books of the 20th century) and Freedom of Simplicity. Way back when, I led a Sunday School group through FOS—which probably amounted to simply reading aloud every […]
Still Saturday: How to Seek the Kingdom of God
What should we do to pursue the Kingdom of God? “Then in a certain sense it is nothing I shall do. Yes, certainly in a certain sense it is nothing, become nothing before God, learn to keep silent; in this silence is the beginning, which is first to seek God’s Kingdom.” ~Soren Kierkegaard “And so […]
Book Review: Dave Harrity’s Making Manifest by Glynn Young
I’ve loved sharing my diminishing diet of words with all of you throughout Lent. And I’m still pretty amazed that I was able to do it every single day. Thanks so much for walking with me. On May 1, we’ll begin our devotional journey together through Dave Harrity’s book Making Manifest: On Faith, Creativity, […]