Your days are waiting to be left behind.
So now, before sleep or waking make you forget,
etch in yourself
this moon,
this leaf,
this star.
~ from “Your Days Are Waiting” by Dave Harrity
Tomorrow is the day. The day we begin our 28-day devotional journey through Making Manifest: On Faith, Creativity, and the Kingdom at Hand. “Even in this moment,” Harrity writes, “there’s a space inside you opening, however slowly.”
And I’m waiting to be surprised, to be changed. Maybe to find more of me. Maybe leak a little.
It seems fitting to begin here — now — when the world is opening slowly. When empty, bare spaces are being filled with new life.
It’s time to etch some moments in those spaces.
And perhaps to etch those moments on paper.
I glanced out my window the other day to see an oriole on the birdbath. And this morning, I saw a rose-breasted grosbeak high up in a tree. Spring surprises I’d have missed if I hadn’t lifted my eyes.
Outside, the grape hyacinths are popping, and my peonies are poking their heads through their blankets. Oh, and the rhubarb I planted last summer? It lives!
Harrity goes on, “Here’s something lovely: out of that space, who you are emerges. You — your life — as a work of art, some way forward to a new voice. So these things — these moments you thought were small — aren’t really so small after all: they are the entirety of you. Already in you is God’s living, creating Spirit, a poemia — a workmanship — waiting to transpire.”
I love that word, transpire. It conveys the idea of breathing through, leaking out of, changing, coming to light — making manifest what’s hidden and happening within.
You may not have heard of or read this book. But now you’re here, reading these words. Something brought you to this moment
And I’m wondering, do you sense a space yawning wide in you? Do you feel an itch to etch in yourself this moment? Maybe etch yourself into this moment?
Brianna Van Dyke, Editor-in-Chief of Ruminate Magazine writes this endorsement.
Dave Harrity’s Making Manifest is a lively invitation into writing as a spiritual practice . . . no longer just for the poet-types — this book walks us through poetry’s ability to help us record and remember, take part in creation, and move toward divine mystery. Along the way, Harrity gives practical exercises for the reader to try on their own as well as profound examples of poetry’rs impact in his personal spiritual development. Making Manifest is a special guidebook for all pilgrims who crave the quiet moments of reflection and stillness, as well as the bright moments of creating . . .” (Bolding mine.)
For April Yamasaki and a growing group of us, May will be Making Manifest Month.
Dave will be in this space tomorrow to start us on this journey. Will you join us?
In the stillness,
Linking today with Holley, Jennifer, Emily, and Lyli
Sandra, I visited from the Coffee for Your Heart link-up and I’m so glad I did. When I read these words: “Making Manifest is a special guidebook for all pilgrims who crave the quiet moments of reflection and stillness, as well as the bright moments of creating,” I knew I needed to participate in this 28-day journey. I already clicked on over to Amazon and ordered my copy, but it won’t be here until next Wednesday. Until then, I’ll be following along through your posts. I can’t wait to see what transpires. ~Tarissa
Oh, Tarissa! That’s wonderful. It gives me chills. I’ll be praying the book arrives sooner. And if you’re on Facebook, I’ve set up a group page. Here’s the link:
I’m so excited you’ll be coming along for the ride. 🙂
Wonderful! I just sent a request to join. 🙂
I don’t know why I didn’t think about it sooner, but I can use the Kindle version for now. I love the feel and smell of books so much that I rarely use an electronic reader, but in this case – I won’t have to wait! So, now I own the electronic version and the copy that I will be able to highlight, underline, and scribble notes in will be here next week. The best of both worlds!
Oh, me, too. My Kindle and my iPad are loaded with books, but I seldom read them. There’s nothing like a real book. Grab yourself a notebook/journal. You may like that better for working on the exercises anyway. Then you can underline and scribble away at your heart’s content. I’ve added you to the group. Welcome!
So excited to see what will transpire as we journey together!
Me, too, Kelly!
Super excited for this journey! I am hoping to get a little closer to discovering who I am as a creative child of God, and to walk deeper with Him through that creativity. It seems I’ve been on this seeking journey for some time now, so I’m hoping this brings me a little closer to where He wants me to be. Thank you for this Sandy!
So glad to have you along on the journey, Sarah!
Thanks so much for your post. Visiting as a neighbor from Imperfect Prose. 🙂
Welcome, Julie! Thanks so much for coming by.
That last picture of the bird…just makes me want to merge with the background- enter in by that birdbath- WOW! Gorgeous!
I think the birdbath needs a little scrubbing. Soon as it warms up a little more. 😉