I have to stuff marked-up (red inked, blue inked, yellow highlighted, and penciled) page chunks back whenever I pick it up. I’ve loved well my Twentieth Anniversary paperback edition of Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s Gift from the Sea with its bent and faded covers. It’s a “vintage book” with an original copyright of 1955, but her […]
When You Need to Disengage to Redirect
“All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.” ~Anatole France Home. That’s the word I chose to guide my year in 2015. “It might mean fewer words see the light this […]
leaning into the winds of change
White waves roll across the field, and cyclones swirl from the surface. The feeder’s are a’flurry, and the windows thunk more often as the birds bounce off them. Everyone’s talking about the weather. Janice Dean of Fox News says she’s never seen anything like it in all her years as a meteorologist. But I remember […]
When Loss is Real–or Not
I’m better this morning. Last night I hid in the bathroom for a few moments where I flushed the toilet (so the husband and the grandgirl wouldn’t ask what was going on with me.) I blew my nose, popped my contacts, rubbed my eyes hard, and ran cold water over my face. I didn’t want […]
Hymns, Heartbreak, and Healing
Fractured hearts and ragged emotions. Some in our church are hurt and angry and scared. Because we’re going through change. Major change. Last month we switched from two Sunday morning services–one traditional and one contemporary–to one single service. Generations no longer divided. And our pastor believes this is of God. That He is leading us […]
I See Glory
The dark begins to fade gray and the world looks like my bathroom after a shower. The fog has come on little cat feet. It sits on silent haunches and looks over the field. Waiting. In the spirit of God in the Yard, I pour a cup of coffee in my Michigan mug (I know […]
Seasons and Changes
I’m fascinated by the corn this year. I watched as the rich brown mother earth opened its womb and embraced the seeds, protecting them and nourishing them. I saw the tender shoots peek out and grow into little green toddlers, then teens, and now towering mature adults. They are time tanned, dried and brittle, and […]