I didn’t take much time to wonder, “Do I dare, and do I dare” when the editor suggested I memorize The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.
The whole poem.
All of it.
I immediately bit the matter off with a smile because I’ve never met a dare I didn’t like, at least a Tweetspeak dare, and I knew it would be worthwhile. (More about that in a future post.) But how should I begin? And now, how can I pick up the pace and complete the matter so there’s time for more poetry dares before I grow old or sprout a bald spot in the middle of my head?
I finally settled on six weapons to finish off Prufrock—I mean, to complete this dare—and they each begin with the letter “R.”
I’m sharing them today over at Tweetspeak Poetry. I dare you to follow me there.
Note: Word cloud created here.