We skipped Black Friday this year, Sissy and I.
I couldn’t think of a thing I needed while so many are in need.
So while other folks were pouncing on piles, brawling over bargains, pulling knives in parking places, and even dodging bullets, we I stayed in pajamas the.entire.day.
None of the traditional shenanigans.
We watched the pups play in their first real snow. Then gave them warm baths to melt the balls that clung to their long hair.
We ate leftovers and washed dishes and–well, I don’t really remember what else, but we snuggled warm in a house that had weathered the year of the Black Fungus.
And I thought of Adeline whose house is melting in Haiti.
I watched and waited for news.
When Black Friday would morph to Good Friday because the hearts of women–and men, too–an ocean away had melted into a miracle.
Who knew that a few pieces of Vi Bella Jewelry could snowball into an avalanche within only two weeks?
We did it!
Jennifer’s crazy-ridiculous, impossible God-sized dream lives because the people of plenty purchased plenty while bathed in the glow of their computer screens. More than enough to build Adeline a #HomeForTheHolidays, exceeding the $5000 goal!
Read about it here.
This is so much better than a new wall-length television screen. Instead we have four new walls pixelated with love! I’d much rather watch that kind of show–even more than a Tiger’s baseball game.
On Friday, Grace the grandgirl chose the winners of the giveaway from those who let me know they wanted to be part of the craziness.
Jen Sanbulte
Pursue the Intentional Life, gifted by Monica Sharman
Mick Silva
Amazon gift card
Rebecca Presnell
Wounded Women of the Bible
Elizabeth Marshall
The Long Awakening, gifted by Dena Dyer
And, of course, we’re all winners because of the life and hope purchased for us on a Good Friday cross over 2000 years ago. That hope is poured out through all of you who continue to hook yourselves up to crazy-ridiculous God-sized dreams and through each so-called small, seemingly unseen, moment-by-moment sacrifice.
NOTE: Vi Bella tells me the NewHouse code is still active if you’d like to add to Adeline’s house fund. We all know that often things cost more than expected–and wouldn’t it be fun to be able to help furnish this home–maybe a new mattress or some curtains or a rug?
Still smiling,