It’s been one of those weeks. You’ve had them, right? Times of hard decision-making and what-ifs that lead to more waiting and second-guessing and flip-flopped fear and trust, and you just want a final decision to be made and hope you can live with it. Except each step on the journey brings more decisions and you want to get it right–except there really aren’t any good answers in human economy. But the trail ends in what seems like a drop-off, and everything’s all tangled up, and you can’t find a clear way, and you just want God to write the right answer in the sky. And you want it to be what you want, but you really want to want what He wants. And who’s it all about anyway? You? Them? Him?
It’s all so exhausting . . .
Continued over at
Still on the journey,
I have often prayed for God to sky-write an answer for me. And I’ve even looked in the clouds for letters to form. But they were in Aramaic. Or Chinese. Or Hieroglyphics. Or not at all.