Our ever-present Creator,
you alone can satisfy the hunger in our hearts,
for you made us for yourself.
Help us to relinquish all idols
and to find our fulfillment
solely in you
in this moment
and in every moment.
~Gregory Boyd in Present Perfect: Finding God in the Now
In the stillness,
Welcome to Still Saturday where we pause after a busy week, move in quiet pilgrimage, maybe linger a while in some still place, and soak in the beauty of images and words. We’d love for you to join us. Get the details on the left, grab your favorite button, and link up below. We all love to hear if something especially speaks to your heart, but please don’t feel pressured to comment. Simply take some time to gaze long and drink deep.
“to find our fulfillment only in him.” Coming here always takes my breath away. Words I need to remember always. Blessings to you Sandra. Have a wonderful weekend.
These Saturday posts get the most blog traffic. I think people are starving for stillness, and I’m so humbled that they find some of that here and at the links. Hugs to you, Beth.
Saying “amen” with you.
Love to you, Susan.
This is always such a restful blessed link-up, thank you for hosting us!
Thanks for coming by to sit, Gayle.
Praying that you will be refreshed and relish in “this moment” over your weekend. xoxo
Praying the same for you, sweet friend.
Dear Sandra
This is now what I call sanctified common sense!? Even those people who are not following our Lord Jesus, will do well to realize that every “now” moment is all we have to enjoy;so we should make the best of each moment. We, as Pappa’s children have the assurance that all our moments of the future is safe in His hands for all eternity!
Have a great week-end, dear one.
Every now moment is all we have. Yes, Mia. Love to you.
In Christ alone, my all in all! Love for you in the stillness, Sandra.
Amen. How I’d love to share a cup of tea with you, with our cameras. sitting in the wet grass. 🙂
This is the TRUTH! God bless you, Sandra, I pray you enjoy a sweet, quiet weekend.
Sending love your way, Kris. Praying peace in your wanderings.
Thank you once again for a lovely link up. I truly enjoy what you and everyone else share here.
I’m so grateful to be able to tiptoe into everyone’s spaces. It refreshes me. Thank you for walking with us, April.
Lovely image! One day I hope to capture an image of the hummingbirds that have returned to our area. Unrelated, but I’d like to learn more about the button on your sidebar, the Bible Memory Group. Can anyone join this? Thanks and have a blessed weekend!
Absolutely! You just need to sign up for ScriptureTyper and then look for and add that group. It takes a little bit to get used to the site, but it’s awesome. I actually prefer my iPhone app.
Thank you. Thank you for sharing truth and beauty and STILLNESS.
Thank you for this welcoming place.
I thank God for you, dear one.
And I’m thanking Him for you!
Amen, Sandy, amen . . .
Waving at you, Martha. 🙂
Amen. (Just downloaded a book sample from the book you linked. This is the prayer of my heart right now.) Always loved to stop here on Saturday…really any day.
Such a lovely picture – Our soul finds lasting peace and nourishment in God alone!
Praise God that He is our daily bread, the only One Who satisfies! Thanks for the great post & for hosting & God bless!