I wish you a Mary Christmas, stunned by His reflection,
flattened at His feet as you wait, and worship, heady with His fragrance.
“Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.” John 12:3 (NIV)
I pray that you would cradle Him in your heart as He cradles you in His.
Not just in this season.
But in every season of each day.
Because He was born to die.
So we could live.
May your heart burst to spill His light and ooze His aroma.
Mary Christmas!
NOTE: This little bird crashed into our window and splatted into a snow angel. Three of us pressed our noses to the glass for several minutes–willing it to blink, to breathe, to move. Not until my husband and Gracee ran outside to its rescue, expecting to scoop it up to bury it, did it shake itself and fly off.
Perhaps a dim reflection through darkened glass may hold some protection. And just the knowledge of a hand stretched out to lift us up is enough to raise us up.
I am flattened by the ways you’ve gifted me with your presence in this place, for helping me see Him more clearly.
I see Him in you.
Much love this season and always,

Oh Sandy! Just beautiful! That image, your words–pure inspiration, my friend. God bless your Christmas!!
Hey, sweetie! Love the new look! Your words are always heart touching and soul searching. May you and your precious family have a very merry and blessed CHRISTmas! Love you!
And oh how I see Him in you!!! Beautiful reflection, from beautiful you. May you have a Merry Mary Christmas, sweet friend. Much love, Patricia
Oh! A Mary Christmas to you….I love this thought. May God continue to bless you as you weave words and send them our way!
Wow… thank you so much… Indeed, let’s have a Mary Christmas this year.
Stunning image and beautiful thoughts. Christmas blessing to you and yours.
A Merry Christmas to you, Sandy! May we all be in awe of His grace.