Every word you give me is a miracle word–
how could I help but obey?
Break open your words,
let the light shine out,
let ordinary people see the meaning.
Mouth open and panting,
I wanted your commands more than anything.
Turn my way, look kindly on me
as you always do to those
who personally love you.
Steady my steps with your Word of promise
so nothing malign gets the better of me.
Rescue me from the grip
of bad men and women
so I can live your way.
Smile on me, your servant;
teach me the right way to live.
Psalm 119:129-135 (MSG)
In community with Deidra
I love the way the message brings to life the words and the expression. Good job.
Just beautiful . . . Joyous Sunday, Sandy!
Beautiful! Love it. Thanks for sharing:)
What a perfect Picture for this verse! Happy Sunday, Sandy
thanks for this deep cool breath.
Dear Sandra, Thank you. I love reading the Psalms aloud. Ellen
This is what stood out to me most:
Rescue me from the grip
of bad men and women
so I can live your way.
AMEN!! [and I sure don’t want to be known as a bad woman!]
WOW! A Golden-Fronted Woodpecker! He is beautiful. We have a family in our trees and just love to hear them rat-a-tat-tatting and calling so loudly. God’s Word is calling me as well. Thank you for sharing these verses. I am blessed.
Caring through Christ, ~ linda
ps…I joined Deidra today @ http://beingwovenzephaniah317.wordpress.com/2012/07/08/a-sabbath-moment-27/
Love your bird pictures…