I’m having one of those feelings.
I can’t put my finger on it, and I can’t describe it.
Like where part of me has separated from this body that houses me.
Does it ever happen to you?
I know it sounds weird.
And it’s beyond me.
The air is fresh this morning. The grass is damp. There’s a woodsy fragrance that reminds me of my childhood home. The corn tassels stretch for His tassels.
Thank you, but still more water please.
And I’m thinking, “Who am I? What am I?”
I scoop some black oil seed from the metal trash can into an old Tupperware container and shuffle out to the feeder. I stop abruptly not five feet from a tiny chipping sparrow (hear it sing here) pecking on the ground. It’s not one bit startled. Does it see me? Does it sense me at all?
For a moment I feel one with this bird, with the scent of earth, with the breeze that whispers against my cheek.
Almost–other worldly.
But then we’re not of this world anyway, right?
I think of all the places I’ve been, all the people who’ve crossed my path and those who walk with me, and how He’s woven everything to bring me to this place at this time to do these things.
It’s all beyond me.
Speaking of beyond me, I’m feeling about as small as a chipping sparrow this week. I’ve been asked to fill some mighty big shoes and step in as the PRAY editor over at BibleDude.net. If you peek at the drop-down list over there under “Pray,” you’ll see that all the categories fall within my passion for seeing deep and learning to be still. This was not something I sought or that was even on my radar. It’s a beyond-me thing, definitely a God thing. I’ll be posting over there on Tuesdays. Will you pray for me?
P.S. I’ve also got kind of a “squirrely” post over at The Barn Door today. I’d love to see you there.
Joining Lisa Jo today on her word prompt beyond
And my Jennifer for God things
And Michelle for Graceful Summer things
And Duane because I’m claiming God’s promise to the Israelites in Deuteronomy 28:1-6 (MSG) that blessings will spread beyond when we respond to His voice. And they will be beyond what we imagine.
What a beautiful picture you paint this morning! So lovely!
When I come to visit you my heart is always refreshed, it’s knitted together with a dear sister. I love to hear your heart…I love you.
Sandy–privileged to pray for you. Privileged….and oh so blown away by this God honoring post–not because of the abundance of words but that the Creator speaks through the beauty of His Creation which you capture so magnificently.
Bless you!
I will be so happy to pray for you dear one. I think you are the perfect one for this – chosen.
I know that feeling too – it’s a hard one to put into words. There are moments I look around me and wonder who I am and what I’m doing here – in this body where I’ve been at home for all of my life. Other wordly – that about covers it.
The moments we stop and think of the path God has given us. . the people He has placed in His perfect timing in His perfect way. . . I know. I know that other worldly feeling well.
And I will be praying for you and your new opportunities to reach others. 🙂
Friend, I have missed your words…and I pray for your often. He continues to expand your reach!
Praying for you.
Oh this is soooooo amazing. I am sort of awe struck by the beauty of your words and your photographs, though I have not yet listened to the audio. Thanks for sharing beauty. And I share in your joy on your new Tuesday gig. How wonderful. I will look forward to reading words there from you too. Happy writing. I look forward to seeing you. Today I am visiting from Lisa-Jo’s.
I am so excited to hear that you are joining the BibleDude crew. You will bring some great “Deep-Seeing” to an already incredible place!