Downy woodpecker with an itch.
I woke up at 6 this morning. On my own. No alarm.
And I did something I hardly ever do.
I lay in bed.
And. Did. Nothing.
Well, I closed my eyes and breathed deep the cool breeze through the open windows.
I pushed all thoughts of what I ought to be doing under the pillows.
I dozed.
I watched leaves ruffle and birds flutter.
I studied light patterns.
I listened to natural music in surround sound.
For three hours, I lay there.
And. Did. Nothing.
Because art is born in expansion, in a belief in sufficient supply, it is critical that we pamper ourselves for the sense of abundance it brings to us. ~p.108
Pampering, Julia goes on to write, could include a vintage pair of tweed trousers, a single daisy on the night stand, a special CD, a magazine subscription, a dime-store set of watercolor paints, a deluxe crayon set, or fresh raspberries.
I’d go for the flower or the raspberries–any fresh berries for that matter. I love my 700-count Egyptian white sheets bought on sale and white down comforter. Give me thick white towels (please–I don’t have any) and homemade jam on a sourdough muffin and butter slathered on a thick slice of warm bread.
Pampering does not have to break the bank.
All too often, we become blocked and blame it on our lack of money. This is never an authentic block. The actual block is our feeling of constriction, our sense of powerlessness. Art requires us to empower ourselves with choice. At the most basic level, this means choosing to do self-care. ~p. 109
And so this morning I luxuriated in my Egyptian cotton sheets and my down pillow.
I indulged in a little self-care.
I pampered myself.
For three hours, I lay there.
And. Did. Nothing.
But watch and listen and breathe.
I indulged myself with the view and sounds from this window to the right of my bed.
And the view from the east window at the foot of my bed.
And then I got up and had a bowl of expensive granola topped with fresh sliced strawberries.
I did not feel one bit guilty.
What inexpensive thing have you done to pamper yourself lately?
We’re working on weeks 6 and 7, “Recovering a Sense of Abundance” and “Recovering a Sense of Connection.” Come on over to Tweetspeak Poetry as we continue to discuss The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron.
And spilling crumbs with sweet Emily and community.

Your morning sounds are similar to mine, only this morning the birds were singing in the rain. It’s such a peaceful way to wake up.
I love the sound of rain.
Sounds so wonderful… I wish we could open our windows up they are old and very hard to do especially for me, who is five foot and not very strong… I miss the fresh air.
We have old windows, too–for the most part. One of our bedroom windows broke when I tried to open it. It’s been taped for a couple years, and we haven’t tried to open that window since. Except my husband managed to a few days ago, but I’ve been told to leave it alone if it needs closing and just close the storm window. Those are tricky, too. 😉
I AM SO PROUD OF YOU. This is exactly what we all need to do on some sort of regular basis. That’s what I call an artist’s date, honey. YEAH. Love every word, every sound.
😀 😀
An artist’s date without leaving your bed! mmmmmm…. yummy. and….700 count!!! Okay I am adding to my list of acknowledged jealousies in three columns: 1. Sandra: 2. I am jealous of her 700 count luxurious Egyptian White Sheets: 3. I have no idea!
Julia also speaks to jealousy in chapter 7 . . . 😉
It was nice relaxing with you this morning…thank you.
I let the dog sleep at my feet last night… usually she is in the chair beside the bed. I woke up to her hiccups. I liked it. Wish I had some of that granola…
Your words REALLY touch me, Sandy. Deep.
A week ago I went on a trip with my husband spending 5 days relaxing and doing a lot of nothing. It was fantastic and filling. But the past 2 days back home have again been busting out with things “I need to do” to the point of anxiety.
Can I allow myself the luxury of “expansion”, of “a belief in sufficient supply”? Yes, God gives that. If I’ll accept it and let go of MY need to control and accomplish.
Thanks for the nudge in the right direction. I’ll make my schedule for the day in a few minutes, and I hope to add more margin in it now to allow for room to breathe.
I keep thinking of those tweed trousers. And I’m not a clothing-fascinated person. 😉
And Sandy, I slept in until 6 this morning. I was kind of excited.
So glad you lavished some time on yourself! You needed it. When busyness comes rushing in, close your eyes and remember those luxurious three hours! Blessings to you, sweetie!
What a lovely morning! Sometimes we need to stop and take joy in simply doing nothing . . .
Beautiful reflection. 🙂
I feel rested and pampered just reading this Sandy. I am so glad you did it without guilt. We all need this every now and then. It restores and refreshes.
Love you dear one.
I am going to go fishing tomorrow. I have a little secret stream that I plan on hopping from boulder to boulder and pool to pool.
And, i dont care if I catch anything
That’s exactly what I did this morning, Sandy. I dozed and snuggled under the comforter and enjoyed the sound of the rain pattering on the roof. I didn’t get out of bed till after 8, which is late for me. It was luxury!
I did this too this morning…
But I was late to work.
By TWO hours.
LOL! duane, this made me laugh! you’re awesome.
i would do ANYTHING to just lie there and do nothing. aiden always come into my room at 6 am, without an alarm, and asks to snuggle. then he begins to kick me under the covers and play with my face like it’s made of rubber and at 6:30 we’re upstairs and i’m making myself very strong coffee and he’s bouncing off the walls. sigh. 🙂 but i agree with linda sandy. i felt so rested having read this. and i’m proud of you and one day, i will do this too. xo
ps. thank you, thank you, thank you, for posting by book button. you’re so good to me. xoxo