A day filled with noise and voices can be a day of silence, if the noises become for us the echo of the presence of God, if the voices are, for us, messages and solicitations of God. When we speak of ourselves and are filled with ourselves, we leave silence behind. When we repeat the intimate words of God that he has left within us, our silence remains intact. ~Catherine de Hueck Doherty
May your heart unfurl in the echo and fragrance of His presence,
Welcome to Still Saturday where we pause after a busy week, move in quiet pilgrimage, maybe linger a while in some still place, and soak in the beauty of images and words. We’d love for you to join us. Get the details above, grab your favorite button, and link up below. We all like to hear if something especially speaks to your heart, but please don’t feel pressured to comment. Simply take some time to gaze long and drink deep.
That is one powerful quote! Your photos have me hoping my peonies will soon unfurl.
I watched this one bloom–but they are all popping now. The white ones anyway. The pink ones will follow. Love the fragrance!
Stunning photos Sandy!!!
I love the quote. Will linger over that one in the morning. 🙂
Thanks for this. It is very enjoyable to be “low key” on the weekend!
Jesus bless your weekend!
Peonies are spectacular and this series of unfurling is wonderful, Sandy! I have three plants — a white, pink and deep rose — but ours aren’t anywhere near that stage yet… still small, tight buds. I love the quote. Wishing you the blessing of His silence and fragrance this weekend.
I’ll be back to link up in the morning.
I said I had pink, but maybe they are really deep rose. Thise always open later. Praying the blessing of stillness and sweet fragrance right back to you.
Unfurling makes my breath catch in my throat! Patsy
Beautiful photos, Sandy…LOVE the unfurling…the opening to praise! And that quote…one I need to chew on for a while.
I’ll come back and link to my SS post when I get it up…soon…I hope.
Have a beautiful Saturday, beautiful Sandy. xox
Love you, friend. Can’t wait to learn more about your conference week.
I love peonies. I have my first blooms this week. I just planted the bush in fall, so I am excited to see His beauty unfold before my eyes!
Exciting! That’s how I felt with my rose bush. 🙂
I think about this slow opening. And I wonder if I could implement this unfurling no matter what the day holds. May I always go at His pace instead of my own.
I’m with you there, friend. Just resting on the stem, come rain or come shine.
Beautiful words, beautiful photos. Had some fun with that peony didn’t you? And I am listening to the voices of stillness today, on my way to Charleston for some adventure. Have a great weekend friend!
I did have fun watching it bloom. Enjoy your adventure. And have a wonderful weekend.
What a beautiful post! Love the quote and the amazing pictures. 🙂
Thanks, Lyli. I get so excited when I stumble across something that speaks to stillness.
Love how you did this post. My peonies are full too. love this!
Thanks, Jean. My white ones always come first. Then the pink. Thank you. Have a beautiful weekend with some silent pockets.
“A day filled with noise and voices can be a day of silence, if the noises become for us the echo of the presence of God, if the voices are, for us, messages and solicitations of God. ” Oh, my, yes. You gave words to a deep feeling. Think I’m going to follow. Thank you.
Welcome, JoAnne. I’m glad this spoke to you today. Joy to you.
Peonies have come and gone here…I miss their lush scent filling my house. That last photo of yours reminds me of a Kelly Sauer!
Blessings to you on this holiday weekend, Sandy…
So pretty! And like Michelle, I saw the “Kelly Effect.” Well done.
The Kelly Effect! What a compliment. 🙂
We watched a different sort of unfurling this week. And it was as you say–God in the noisy chaos. Lovely, Sandy. Happy Pentecost, my friend.
I’m so far behind in my reading, Laura. I need to get over to your place and learn more about your unfurling. Xoxo
This post was a blessing to me today. Thanks so much for sharing the lovely photos and reflection.
I’m so glad, Martha. It was fun to pay attention to the progress of a single bloom.
What beautiful words Sandy. And the pictures – absolutely exquisite.
Have a blessed weekend sweet friend.
Thanks, Linda. And you, too.
Beautiful photos and quote. The peonies will bloom soon here by Lake Michigan in Wisconsin.
I love the fragrance. My grandfather used to have bunches of them.
Beautiful, Sandra! Just beautiful!
Thanks, Lynn. 🙂
sending hugs your way for bringing us all together! Have a beautiful weekend Sandy!
I’m just so in awe of the love and beauty and serenity in these posts. They make my day, and I bask in them all week.
I loved how you captured the flower in this picture. Beautiful!
Thanks, Shari. I hope you’ve had an awesome week.
Just gorgeous, Sandy. Thank you. All you who grow peonies speak of their fragrance. Here in CA, we only buy peonies – and they have no fragrance. Someday, I’d like to see them growing and discover that scent for myself.
I can’t imagine a peony without fragrance. If I understand correctly, the fragrance draws ants that assist in the blossom opening. But then Christmas trees don’t seem to have the scent they used to when I was a kid–even when we cut them ourselves.
LOVE THESE. Wow, these pics make me want to capture better pics and Praise the Creator!! Amazing!
Yes, He’s amazing!
These photos are breathtakingly beautiful — remind me of the peony beds we had in PA where I grew up. Only God knows how to unfurl a flower from bud to full bloom.
Oh, amen to that.
That last photo is stunning. So you think that’s how God sees us, and we would see ourselves if we just let go and unfurled? Blessings this weekend!
What a beautiful thought, Michelle. As I said to Diana above, I understand it’s the ants that are needed to break into the bud to stimulate the unfurling. Maybe we need more ants in our lives. 😉
Neat blossoming stage… moving forward and forward and becoming more and more beautiful. Hopefully, we can do the same by relying on our Blossoming Loving Lord.
Stage by stage, season by season, beauty to beauty. Yes.
Great post Sandra! Absolutely inspiring group of photos, well shot and i love the quote. Thanks for sharing this with us and i’m looking forward to read more from you.
Thanks so much, Heidi.
I love the quote Sandra and these are all great and beautiful photos. Thanks you so much for sharing this.
Thanks so much.