The February sunshine steeps your boughs
and tints the buds and swells the leaves within.
~William Cullen Bryant (Among the Trees)
What have you seen lately that made you stop in awe? Do share. Get the details at the Still Saturday tab above. Link up a photo, grab a button, and let’s steep in the stillness together.
imperfect prose says
oh i love this meme, dear sandra… love it. and i love you.
Sandra says
And l love you more. May you sense His still presence, Em, in the midst of the chaos.
Cindee Snider Re says
GORGEOUS picture, Sandy! Honored to be linking up with you today! 🙂
Sandra says
So honored to have you. And that red flower. So soft and delicious!
Carol J. Garvin says
Another wonderful photo, Sandy. Steeped in stillness and beauty. 🙂
Sandra says
Thanks, Carol. This is me killing time while I wait for my husband again. Camera hanging out the car window in someone else’s driveway. 😀
Patricia says
Love that quote… tints the buds. Seems like we’re all on the same page today… ; ) Sending my hug… hope you catch it!
Sandra says
Got it! Sending one back.
Patricia says
Mr. Linky isn’t being nice today… trouble in linky land… Guess I’ll have to “wait” to get my post linked up to you… or try again later. 🙁
Sandra says
No trouble here. You’re linked.
Sandra says
Though the photo’s a little different. Cropped in the wrong spot?
Megan Willome says
What William Cullen Bryant said, that’s what’s happening in me this month. Weird, because January was so inexplicably hard.
Sandra says
Maybe it’s those deep, hard winters that swell the biggest. Love to you, Megan.
Patricia @ Pollywog Creek says
I somehow missed this lovely, lovely post and community. I’m going to grab a button and add it to the post I just published right now. (((Hugs)))
Sandra says
I’m so excited you’re here, Patricia! And those photos are absolutely gorgeous!
Shelly Miller says
It looks as if this tree is posing for this picture. Love the word steep. I came here this morning, hoped to link with you earlier and this quote steeped with me all day in the garden, in the midst of stuff.
Lyla Lindquist says
I came in thinking steep as in hill. Rigorous, grueling climb. And here you didn’t mean that kind of steep at all.
Beautiful. In all kinds of ways. Thank you again for the quiet, Sandy.
Maryvel says
Hello There! I am new here! Glad I found you! Love this meme and love to participate! I am your newest follower! Take care and have a blessed day!
Sandra says
Welcome, Maryvel! I’m delighted that your found your way here. That photo is gorgeous, and I’m so glad you had those moments in time with your mom–and that her health seems to be improving. I hope you’ll be back. 🙂
Diana Trautwein says
What a glorious picture, Sandy! And I love the Bryant quote, too. Love to you this winter’s day.