What matters is not your outer appearance—
the styling of your hair, the jewelry you wear,
the cut of your clothes—
but your inner disposition.
Cultivate inner beauty, the gentle, gracious kind that God delights in.
~1 Peter 1:3-4 (Message)
Joining Kelly and Claire and Sarah as they photographically respond
to a quote by Mary Oliver.

Linking with Deidra’s Sunday community
and with Katie

A gentle and gracious inner disposition – something I hope to obtain and pass on in this life. Cool photo!
Have you ever noticed–those with a gentle and gracious inner disposition have more outer beauty than those who are experts with the makeup brush but whose spirits are untamed?
Ooooh – I LOVE this one! Really wonderful, Sandy!
That makes my heart dance. Especially coming from you. 🙂
You, my friend, are beautiful inside and out. It’s what draws others to you and keeps us coming back. Beautiful because you breathe Jesus.
That I would breathe Him–that’s my highest goal. Going for a tissue now. xoxo
What we most need is such a challenge to develop… impossible without God’s intervention.
I tried to work up a gentle and quiet spirit years ago. It didn’t work well. It can only come from Him.
I needed this after events this week. I encountered a woman with a very caustic personality and due to circumstances was forced to remain in her company for several days. Her cutting comments about my appearance were hurtful. This is a good reminder that it isn’t my outer self that is important, it is what is in my heart. Thank you, Sandy.
God don’t make no junk. Everything He touches bleeds His beauty. He created us, individual masterpieces, stamped in His blood. He delights in us, sings over us. He looks on our hearts–does not see as the world sees. Hard to remember that sometimes. Words can be so painful. But His Word stands.
You. Yes, You. Are. Beautiful.
Good reminder – to be genuine, from the deepest heart places. Not about how much we decorate the outside, no matter what the advertisers say.
I need that reminder for myself. Because you just know that eyeshadow case is mine. 😉 But I’d rather have eyes that shine Him than eyes decorated by my own hand.
Inner beauty is what we should all strive to have. Those who have it exude that beauty to the outside and makes all around them feel Beautiful!
Yes! Deep cleaning the pores from the inside out. Best beauty treatment ever, right? Thanks for coming by, Kathy.
so true
That is the true beauty Sandy. It radiates outward. I love that verse (one I memorized last year).
It must have worked cuz you radiate true beauty.
Oh, this. So hard for our girl hearts to really, really know this truth. Lovely photo, too.
Don’t know what’s up with my comments. Discus sometimes has the hiccups and I have to poke it a little to get it to give up the comments it’s hiding. I just poked – hopefully yours will appear soon. Thank you.
Sigh…hard to grasp it, yes. And thanks. 🙂
As His grace shines through those outer colors fade away…I love your photo!
So. True. Thanks.
It’s always nice when I know I can wear nice makeup and hair… neither of which happen on a regular basis–except lipstick– b/c I’m one of those “sidetracked” people. I DO remember to brush my teeth, which I’m sure blesses everyone. 😉 But it’s nice to be reminded that the most important element is what’s buried in my heart…how God doesn’t look at my cuts and curls and lipstick or mascara… He looks inside… WAY inside. What a blessing.
This is a reminder women need to hear. Frequently.
Women’s self images get battered and beaten and tattered until we forget who God made us to be and how He sees us. We are the ones who let the number on the scale tell us what kind of day we will have, instead of the Bible chapter we read first thing in the morning. We forget that we are beloved, regardless of what is on the outside. We forget that we have Jesus on the inside and that is the only thing God sees.