I should be prepping for the class I need to teach.
But here’s the episode of I Love Lucy where Lucy and Ricky meet.
And then the one where Lucy races the horse.
Then the one where the whole gang along with Fred MacMurray hunt for uranium.
I hear Grace in the kitchen. She’s laughing at me falling-off-the-couch laughing.
I. Love. Lucy.
How could anyone not? Except my dad. He’d mutter a few unmentionables and stomp out of the room when she came on.
I should get serious here.
But I’m having fun.
Pastor talked about fun this morning.
How God created us with the ability to have fun.
How having fun is restful.
In the beginning I Am existed and created.
And then rested.
What did He do when He rested? Since He never sleeps or slumbers, I’m pretty certain He didn’t take a Sabbath nap.
Maybe He just was.
Just was I Am.
Maybe He just sat down, threw back His head and laughed as He delighted in His creation.
It’s pretty obvious that He had some fun while He worked. Who else could come up with something like an elephant or a platypus?
I think of this while I laugh and waste my time watching one of the most creative actresses ever.
While I’m just . . . being.
Grace perches on the edge of the seat next to me, and while she texts her mom, I accidentally knock her off onto the floor.
And we laugh some more.
Then it’s bedtime.
I tuck her into her flowered sheets, pull up the pink fluffy and the pink and yellow patchwork.
I start to pray, but tonight she doesn’t interrupt with questions.
“I have something to pray about,” she interrupts.
“Okay, do you want to pray now?”
“No, when you’re done.”
But when I’m done, she’s forgotten what she wants to say. “What do I usually say?”
“Well, it’s been a while since you wanted to pray. You usually start with ‘thank for this day, thank you for this night.’ ”
That just tickles her, and she breaks into laughter again.
She finally ends up praying for the box people and children without parents. She thanks God for her own family and her warm bed.
We share a kiss and a hug and say goodnight.
Later, after several more episodes of Lucy and way past my own bedtime, I go to check on her and find a pen and tissue she’s been writing on.
Never give up believing in our Father who made our parents so they made us.
I. Am. Hushed.
In the morning she asks if I saw what she wrote.
I nod.
“Are you going to put it on your blog?”
She knows me too well.
“Would you like me to?”
“Well, I did post it on Facebook. And by the way, I have a question for you.”
I’m thinking about yesterday morning when Dennis commented on Grace’s correct response to a question posed during the children’s sermon.
(I didn’t hear the exchange. I was busy soaking in the beauty of the church and reminding myself to start bringing my camera on Sundays.)
“How did you know there were 40 days in Lent? Did you hear that in Sunday School?”
“You told me, Nama.”
“I did? When?”
“When we were talking about Ash Wednesday.”
I remember now trying to explain Lent and dust-to-dust to her, and she didn’t quite understand because “I didn’t come from dust–I came from my mama’s tummy.” So we talked about how God made Adam from dust and Eve from Adam and they had children who had children who had children, and her mom eventually had her.
I’m hushed again and think how much fun God must have had imagining and creating her with this ADD brain that bounces so but still manages to catch wisdom that spills out on a piece of tissue.
And surely He must throw His head back and laugh in delight.
Us trying to say bedtime prayers
Never give up believing in Him. ~Grace King, age 9
Joining Laura and Laura and Michelle and Ann and Jen in community today.
And with Jennifer for God-Bumps Wednesday.
Carol J. Garvin says
And what a delight… sharing pre-prayers with that little one. I loved hearing your voice, too, along with her giggles. Yes, I’m sure God laughs.
Sandra says
I just love that picture of Jesus laughing, don’t you?
Shelly Miller says
Sandy, this might be my favorite of yours so far. Although it is hard to pick just one. Love that you taped her laughing and you will have that on days when there isn’t laughter.
Sandra says
She didn’t know. I had the phone for her to call her mom when we were done and just sneak-turned it on.
Simply Darlene says
A merry heart does good, like medicine
~ Proverbs 17:22 (NKJV)
What about Lucy and the conveyer belt of chocolates? 😉
Sandra says
I love that one, Darlene! And the one where she gets locked in the freezer. And where she tries to bake bread. And pretending to be Harpo Marx. And . . .
John says
Bravo!..and consider this, your class might love watching that Lucy episode.
Sandra says
Maybe I’ll have to figure out how to work it into the study of Luke. 😉
Thanks, John.
Sharon O says
I love the notes from children, I have them all over my house, our grand daughters leave little ‘tidbits’ of themselves all the time.
Sandra says
It strikes me that we leave little tidbits of ourselves everywhere we go. I hope they are sweet ones. 🙂
Joe Pote says
What a beautiful post! Those special moments with children are so special, aren’t they?
Yes, I’m convinced God does throw His head back and laugh with delight, watching His children!
Thank you, for sharing this, Sandy!
Sandra says
Thanks so much, Joe. I’m sure I give Him a lot to laugh about. And weep about, too.
davis says
never give up believing in Him.
that’s really good…
Sandra says
Her own words as far as I know.
Sheila Lagrand says
Love this, Sandy. Laughing with them…what could be better?
Sandra says
Not much. Unless it’s sharing secret Dairy Queen. Her mom’s out of town, and DQ opened for the season. She and Grace always go together for the first treat. “It’s tradition,” Grace says. But we went Sunday anyway, and I’m sworn to secrecy.;) They’ll go together this weekend.
Louise G says
What an incredibly beautiful story. Thank you Sandra for sharing this part of your heart, and Grace’s prayer too.
Sandra says
Always so neat to see you here, Louise. Thanks and hugs back atcha.
Alicia says
Oh, Sandy, this is the first time we’ve met, but I feel like we could share a cup of coffee and smile over the divine belly laughs sparked by our children. I, too, have a little girl who scribbles wisdom on kleenexes, note cards and paper towels. Oh, how I love seeing God’s playful spirit seep through our children’s lives. Thanks for this sweet story.
Sandra says
Delighted to meet you, Alicia! These little “finds” make it all worthwhile, right?
laura says
Never give up…no, never. 🙂 And I loved hearing your sweet voice, Sandy. and all those giggles…
Sandra says
No. Not. Never.
Dea Moore says
Did you notice Sandy were you girls watching “We” love Lucy? My hubby had it on, laughing out loud and said something about the show being not being called “I Love Lucy.” I shrugged it off, giggled a few times at those Lucy faces but I really wasn’t tuned in.
Sounds like Grace is tuned in…to many things—the things that bring us laughter and the things that are eternal. Beautiful.
Sandra says
Yes, it was “We Love Lucy.” Those episodes had some prior narration.
It’s always a sweet discovery to find they really are tuned in.
diana says
“Just.As.I.Am”??? Oh, girl, you CRACK ME UP. This is delightful – maybe one of your longest posts. And i loved every single word. And picture. And taped laughter. Love you, too.
Sandra says
Maybe I should have done the period thing with that. 😉
Just. As. I Am.
diana says
Okay, now that’s really weird. I didn’t scroll back up to read it again – but that is what I remembered – as I typed it. And I saw it as a play on the title of that old hymn we used to sing over…and over…and over…and over again during LONG altar calls – “Just as I am, without one plea…” You made me see a joke that wasn’t even there – that’s how good you are!
Sandra says
I love double meanings. 😀 😀
Linda says
What fun – to hear your voices and the sweet laughter. Surely He laughs with a full, deep sound that ripples and pours out over everyone.
Sandra says
That vision just makes me smile big.
David Rupert says
God does love fun. In fact, he has a tremendous sense of humor. Boy, that upsets the people that see him as the old white haired man in the chair! Delightful post
Sandra says
And since He created us with the capacity to have fun, we might as well have fun with it, right?
Megan Willome says
You are a fun and wonder-filled grandma.
Sandra says
Janet Macy says
So much fun and laughing in this post. I love it.
And Lucy can sure make a person laugh.
So glad you had Grace there for the giggles. It’s what memories are made of.
God bless you
Sandra says
I never really understood why my dad couldn’t stand her. I think it was her cry. 🙂