With the arrival of Jesus, the Messiah, that fateful dilemma is resolved.
Those who enter into Christ’s being-here-for-us no longer have to
live under a continuous, low-lying black cloud.
A new power is in operation.
The Spirit of life in Christ, like a strong wind, has magnificently cleared the air,
freeing you from a fated lifetime of brutal tyranny at the hands of sin and death.
~Romans 8:1-2 (Message)

Holy billowing clouds, Batman! That first photo? Whoosh…
A brutal tyrant is sin’s companion, death. You well know. But his strong wind… Thank God for that strong wind.
Beautiful. He does lift the clouds of our lives and gives glimpses of his glory as the Son shines through.
Wonderful photos, and such a great verse with them!
I love re-reading familiar passages in The Message. This just stopped me in my tracks: “…freeing you from a fated lifetime of brutal tyranny at the hands of sin and death.” Sometimes it seems as though life is lived under brutal tyranny. Thanks be to God, we’ve been set free.
freed… because of his great power. Praise God. Thinking of you Sandy. <3
One of my favorite chapters in the Bible. Don’t read Message, but do love seeing the bits and pieces that some of you post. And I truly love birds… so it’s always nice to see your photos of them.
Bless your day!!
Wonderful peace in your little bird.
Wow, look at that stately bird — what is it??? Cool photos and perfect verses, Sandy. I hope this Advent is showering you with peace and hope.
A dove (?) of peace…a perfect symbol for freedom from the tyranny of sin.
The Spirit of life in Christ like a strong wind . . . a great reminder. Love the photo of that stately bird perched in the tree!
Man! I do so love The Message. And that image of the cloud? Absolutely perfect!
What awesome clouds! Beautiful. I like the fact that you used The Message. It can be a really interesting translation!
Beautiful photos and scripture, Sandy. He does indeed lift the dark clouds, along with our burdens.
Great photos and words Sandy. Once again your work is a blessing. Thanks & have a blessed day!
A new power is in operation.
Thanks to Jesus…”Dilemma resolved”…”A new power is in operation.”
What a great scripture!