That’s what my husband’s getting.
Because he doesn’t need anything. He’ll tell you that himself.
And I’m into simple and meaningful this year.
And short on time.
Or maybe I’ll give him a hammer and a saw.
Well, not directly to him. To someone who knows what to do with them.
And Grace Face?
Well, my husband accidentally shut the Kobe Cat up in her room.
And we had to throw her mattress out.
So I’ve created a sweet spot for her in the center of her box springs until we can get a new one.
I’m thinking I’ll give her a blanket and a tarp. To give to those who have no mattress at all.
Or since she’s so allergic to mosquito bites, maybe I’ll get her a mosquito net.
Or maybe, since she ‘s such a picky eater, a food basket that would help feed a not-so-picky mother and child for a month.
And since I’ve indulged myself with cooking things like a new mixer and a set of stainless cookware (that should arrive today), maybe I should give myself a household items kit that would include some kitchen supplies.
Maybe some garden seeds for my dad in memory of my mom.
So many possibilities.
So many needs.
So inexpensive.
So simple.
So meaningful.
Are you running short on time, energy, cash flow?
Do you want to keep it simple, keep your focus on the reason for the season?
Do you want to give a gift that keeps on giving?
Then consider a Gift of Compassion.
Off to shop now,
I love the chicken idea! My husband says the same thing. Although, I don’t think the chicken would be as appreciated by him!
I will say this. I’m going to check out the Gifts of Compassion catalog. Jesus is so precious. I want to put Him first in everything.
Maybe he’d like a goat instead?
I love this idea for the one who has everything. For the one who has nothing. For the One who has all.
Amen. Thank you for planting seeds of Compassion today. I pray the sprout many chicken wings…
🙂 🙂
[I’m sorry, but the thought keeps going through my mind that he’ll need an ax, too!]
Ewwww! Eggs, Susan. Eggs!
Chicken, live or cooked? If it’s cooked my hubbie would like a cow. 😛
So precious. I certainly did not have my head in such a philanthropic mood the Christmas after my mom died. Of course, we were trying to make it The Christmas Like No Other, so I had a lot to do.