I’ve been out of town for so many weekends, I can’t remember the last time I’ve been to church.
I’m tempted to stay home because that’s how it is when you’ve been gone so long.
And I’m still feeling serene after last weekend, not ready for toe-tapping, hand-clapping, drums, and electric guitars.
We consider the early service this morning, more traditional, more–serene. But Grace has a soccer game. We’ll have time for a quick lunch after church before we head to the field.
And so I walk out the door–and straight into the middle of a painting.
A palette splashed across the sky.
The air pulses in golds and reds and greens, but it breathes summer.
I slip into the pew.
My heart and flesh cry out
To You, the Living God
Your Spirit’s water to my soul
I’ve tasted, and I’ve seen
Come once again to me
I will draw near to You
I will draw near to You
To You.
I close my eyes and lean into the words.
And again I see the trees high on the canyon wall with the water below.
Better is one day,
Better is one day,
Better is one day,
Than thousands elsewhere.
And then he’s talking about stuff.
Telling us stories.
About a rich young man who has a lot of stuff (Matthew 19:16-22.)
And he wants one more thing–eternal life.
But not enough to give up his stuff.
So he walks away from Jesus–toward his stuff.
And his story ends.
Then he talks about a fisherman (Luke 5:1-11.)
Who’s had a fruitless (fishless) night.
He’s so tired, he just wants to go home, have a platter of pancakes, and go to sleep.
But along comes Jesus, who takes him into deeper water and fills his nets to overflowing.
And once on shore, he leaves it all–his boat, his nets, and all the fish.
He walks away from his stuff–toward Jesus.
With Jesus.
And becomes part of His story.
And he reminds us me that when I start to think I own my stuff, it owns me.
And he asks us me what stuff in my life is more important to me than God.
What stuff am I willing to let go of in order to be part of His story?
Afterwards we go eat some pancakes and take in a soccer game.
We win.
And I go home and start to unload more stuff.
The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. ~Psalm 24:1

Stuff is such a trap. I have so much stuff.
Yeah. Me, too. And the more I get rid of, the more I realize I need to get rid of.
I always know I’m going to get some good words here. And your photos? They just continue to blow me away!
I think I can hear that bell ringing the sound of freedom from the truth of your words. Hugging you. =)
Hugging back.
Visiting from SDG, and I’m so glad I did. The question of “stuff” requires constant evaluation for me – am I clinging too tightly? What is in the way? Good thoughts here and beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Courtney–thanks for coming by. It’s not the stuff itself that’s the issue, is it . . . just how tightly we cling to it.
This question:
“What stuff am I willing to let go of in order to be part of His story?”
I want a better answer for it than I have.
Thanks, Sandy.
Yeah, the willing thing. That’s the hard one. And then there’s the emotional and spiritual stuff we need to let go of.
Oh, just, ouch. We had a similar discussion in SUnday school and it left us all feeling unsettled. I just read DAn King’s book, the Unlikely Missionary and I know the Lord is working something in my heart. Thanks for this, Sandy. I cling too tightly.
Beautiful photos. Just gorgeous.
I have this sense He’s working in all of us, Laura. How is He going to bring it–us–all together. I’m getting ready to start Dan’s book, too.
A challenging post. And beautiful. Maybe what I love most is the reminder that He meets with us wherever we’re at.
And how He draws us home, no matter what, because there is work to be done.
Thank you for this.
Oh, He does, doesn’t He? Wherever we’re at. Thank you for that reminder.
So true, when you have Stuff, you spend a great deal of time taking care of it, working to keep and acquiring more Stuff. Takes a lot of our time. I agree, we should have nothing we cannot walk away from if needed. God is the only thing we cannot live without. Great post, and I love your photos. Simply gorgeous!
Ah, yes. That is a huge issue for me. The taking care of the stuff. I think that’s what I like so much about a hotel room or a cottage. Simple. Nothing more than you need. And thanks on the photos. 🙂 That’s the bell at my church.
Stuff, stuff…I’m always grappling with the issue of stuff. I blame that darn Hole in Our Gospel book! But anyway, I so appreciate your willingness to ask the hard questions here, Sandy. And today you’ve prompted me to ask myself the same, “What stuff am I putting before God?” Lately it might be blogging, social media, networking, writing, rather than the actual stuff, stuff. But it’s the same principle, isn’t it?
Yep. I get the stuff about the stuff. Now, that story about the rich guy who wanted to follow Jesus but couldn’t leave his stuff. That story gets me every time. Because in my mind I always picture him meeting up with Jesus a couple of weeks later and saying, “Hey, Jesus. I’ve reconsidered. I’m ready to give up my stuff now.” But that’s not in the bible. All we get is him walking away. And Jesus doesn’t go after him. It just seems to drive the point home that we really do get to choose what we want. He doesn’t force us.