Joining Lisa Jo again today for another Five Minute Friday, where we spill from the heart. What comes, comes. What spills, spills. No fixing allowed.
Today’s prompt is in real life . . .
“What is real?” asked the Velveteen Rabbit.
And the Skin Horse tells him it’s when someone loves you, really loves you for a long, long time.
That it doesn’t happen all at once and that once you become real, most of your hair falls off, your eyes drop out, and you get very shabby.
But it doesn’t doesn’t matter because once you are real, you can never be ugly.
Real is forever. It lasts for always.
I feel really shabby sometimes.
My hair’s not shedding–much–and a dab of color helps hide the gray.
But shhh–only my hairdresser knows that for sure.
My eyes haven’t fallen out, but I do struggle to thread a needle.
And I’m learning more and more that wearing masks is exhausting.
That being real brings freedom.
That my real life is not visible.
It’s the one that’s hidden in Christ.
A spirit roughed up until softened.
Real is in the becoming.
The life of the heart, loved from before the beginning and forever and forever.
Because this life is not the real one.
This life here on earth will end.
And my real life is the one that will begin when this one ends.
But in this real life of heartache and frustrations and even joys, I’m grateful for invisible friends, real friends who hurt with me, carry me, rejoice with me.
You are real to me.
Your old life is dead. Your new life, which is your real life—even though invisible to spectators—is with Christ in God. He is your life. When Christ (your real life, remember) shows up again on this earth, you’ll show up, too—the real you, the glorious you. Meanwhile, be content with obscurity, like Christ.
~Colossians 3:3-4 (Message)
I remember the teacher reading the Velveteen Rabbit to us in 3rd grade.. gosh I don’t remember the story…
Thanks for your encouraging words…….
Love your thoughts. Love you. Love the Scripture. Looking forward to our “real life.”
Well…this beautiful and deeply spiritual reflection just puts me to SHAME. I went so far in the opposite direction tonight, it ain’t even funny. Always surprises me what comes out of these fingertips. And tonight – it weren’t more than an inch deep. Sigh. Sometimes I just don’t want to be deep, I guess. :>)
I am grateful for your invisible friendship, Sandy. More than I can say.
And I thank you for this lovely writing.
We live the real while we wait for the real … it’s an interesting time.
Oh one of my all time favorite stories! Hadn’t made that connection to in real life – thank you for sharing it!