They’re all camera shy today.
The mouse who suns on the concrete apron skitters under shrub.
The bumblebee on shrub takes flight, black legs trailing under yellow.
The chipmunk posed on stump of amputated branch dives into black hole.
I try to capture flowers, but morning breeze blurs focus.
Turned earth cradles weed sprouts. I haven’t even bought tomato plants.
Weeds tower in the herb plot along with mint.
The little carnations release their spicy fragrance. They live up to their name–Super Trouper–as they thrive in a small corner.
Tall grass fringes the peony bed. I meant to pull that before they bloomed.
The poor rose bush, slugs squished and oiled, languishes. I think I’ll prune it back to stubble and fertilize.
A big pine leans toward the south and could uproot in a strong wind, just like its brothers did a couple years ago.
Several branches stretch bare, and at least two trees are totally undressed. Either something has attacked them or they are just worn out.
I’m a little worn out, too.
And words won’t spill.
I haven’t liked my writing lately.
And I haven’t gotten around to visit my favorite blogs.
I need to weed and prune and fertilize.
You’ve always worked best under pressure.
A friend’s mother said that to me back in high school.
But I know the truth.
I carry the procrastination gene.
I read the 17 “problems” on the card Deanna handed out in Bible study.
Anxiety, worry, anger, envy, distrust, greed, self-centeredness, irritable, self-control, dwelling, bitterness, fear, shame, guilt, complaining, criticizing, grumbling.
Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.
What one thing will you be asking God to help you with this summer?
I add number 18–procrastination.
Because in my case I demonstrate all of those problems.
And with excellence.
But I think the 17 may in large part stem from the 18th.
I slip on my Intentional Living wristband, Deanna’s gift, and my “visual reminder to focus on the next right one thing to make a difference in your life.”
And I think how cool it is that my life verses are “one thing” verses (Psalm 27:4 and Philippians 3:12-14.)
So today I’m adjusting my focus to make a difference.
Do you have a one-thing focus?
So let’s keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us. If any of you have something else in mind, something less than total commitment, God will clear your blurred vision—you’ll see it yet! Now that we’re on the right track, let’s stay on it. ~Philippians 3:15-16 (Message)
Great post and great advice. Some days, we just struggle. Thankfully, we have a gracious God who will give us a little nudge or mercifully, just let’s us rest a while. Love the imagery and your photo.
Grateful. For Him. For You.
I feel similarly, Sandra, I do. I feel clogged with weediness, and my writing feels forced and, I don’t know, dry or something. Yuck.
I’m going to go read your verses now…maybe they will help?
Oh, you said that so well, Michelle. That’s exactly how I feel. Praying for us both.
So, it’s seasonal? Do you suppose?
I hope so…
My one thing? My determined purpose is that I may know Him.
Sometimes, we all need a break, to refocus. :o)
My one word: discipline. As you know, for a procrastinator, that’s not easy to learn, but one day at a time.