(“weeds” from the not-yet-tilled garden)
She wrote it on the back–66.11.
That’s how much I had left on my Barnes & Noble gift card (one of them, anyway) after I bought a tomato caprese sandwich and a glass of iced green tea.
My son keeps me well stocked with B&N gift cards.
I stopped in to grab a Macs for Dummies book, but they didn’t have one.
And my stomach growled loud enough to be heard way down at Macy’s.
So, of course, I had to eat.
Then I made the mistake of wandering the aisles.
And I bought these.
Because, I rationalized, maybe one of them would help me along here. I really hoped to have something to take to the ACFW Conference (if I get to go), but I’m not progressing as fast as I hoped.
Never mind that I already have this.
And shelves full of other books without these promises.
But then I found this. It was on my wish list.
And then this to replace the old beaten up one.
And I got this for a friend.
And thought the grandgirl might like these.
That probably took up a couple hours of writing time.
This morning I visited Linda’s blog.
Her May goals shamed me.
I could probably spend a couple more hours of writing time writing some goals.
But I had to run into Speedway where I witnessed a big old car smash into the water display right in front of the store, just as I walked in the door. Took a bit of the Jet’s Pizza girl’s car for a ride, too.
It’ll probably take another couple hours of writing time to calm down.
And then another hour on the treadmill to wear off the Krispy Kreme doughnut that the excitement forced me to buy–and eat.
And then there’s the matter of all these books.
And the books in my towering to-read pile
Of which lately I don’t seem to finish any.
Just a chapter here and a chapter there.
Part of the reason I’m not further along in my writing is because the grandbaby has taken up residence in her Pack-n-Play in my office.
That’s it.
I can blame her.
Or I can just blame myself.
And wallow in my ashes.
That could take up a few more hours.
I could talk to God about whether he really has called me to write fiction.
That would use up even more time.
Or I could just get to work.
Am (not) writing,
I can totally relate to this. Starting is the hardest part. I try to avoid the internet first thing in the morning so that I can just start writing. I also try to begin by editing yesterday’s work so that I don’t have to actually start “working” by “writing.”
Great advice!
I’m finding the fiction right now feels more like work. Maybe because it’s still unfamiliar territory.
But you DO write! Beautiful blog posts that touch hearts and stir souls and encourage and inspire and refresh and lift high the name of Jesus, drawing others into His holy Presence. Just keep writing the words He lays on your heart. How God uses it is up to Him, but He will, all for His glory and your joy.
Oh, Cindee. Thank you!
Bonnie (the Faith Barista) compared my journaling to Sarah Young’s “Jesus Calling” I haven’t read it.. should I?
Well, this is strange. I think I answered you via email.
Anyway, I agree with Bonnie. And yes, you would love this book. She writes what she senses God saying to her. God Calling is similar–older–written by “Two Listeners” who did not have their names published. I’ve had that one for years. Marked up, and pages falling out.
Keep writing, you’ll soon be more comfortable in your fiction skin.
Thanks, Linda! Maybe it’s like a pair of new shoes that need to be broken in. 🙂
Oh, yes, you do write – wonderfully well.
But how I grinned my way through this one. I can identify with every.single.one of your interruptions/distractions – every one. Sigh.
But I will admit, this is the first inkling that you’ve let out (to my eyes, at least) that you’re pursuing fiction writing. Well, good luck with that. :>) My guess is – you’ve got it in you – you are just so gifted…BUT please never leave this wonderful non-fiction, musing, reflecting part of your gift. SO needed, so valuable, so beautiful.
But dear Sandra – if this is NOT writing – I say – KEEP IT UP.
Oh, Diana. You are such an encouragement! So blessed to be on the road with you. 🙂
My mother always used to say, “Just do it!” *sigh*
Oh, sigh . . . You just had to bring the moms into this. 😉
I am in the same boat. I have thought of every excuse in the world to not write my YA novel. I have the bare bones done, but it needs a lot of work. I keep telling myself…this summer…
Just don’t go to “this fall.” 😉
For me — it’s cleaning the toilet. Yup. when the toilet sparkles, I’m avoiding writing.
I like what Susan’s mother used to say — if only I’d just do it! “sigh”
I hate cleaning toilets. I like clean. But I hate cleaning.
Now if I would just do it, I could hire a cleaning person who loves to clean.
You’re making me jealous with your piles of brand new books! I hardly ever visit the bookstore for that very reason: I might go in empty-handed, but sure to leave empty-walleted. Actually, I shouldn’t complain about too much jealousy, since I indulged myself in the name of research and have seven or eight books coming way via PaperBackSwap. Fun post!
I am such a sucker for books. And grateful that my son keeps me stocked with gift cards. But maybe I should start asking for cleaning coupons. Or better yet. Airplane tickets somewhere. Research time, doncha know.