We spend an hour in the pet store.
We read.
We compare.
We finally decide.
On a 60-dollar kitty water fountain.
Well, 50 dollars with our discount.
Platinum, it says.
Because Geisha thinks she can only drink from the kitchen faucet.
This morning I fill it up and hook it up and set it up downstairs by the food dishes.
I carry her wiggling and whining, howling and scratching to her new drinking area.
Where the water flows.
But she’s not big on change.
She jumps off the table and runs.
Later, she’s back on the kitchen counter trying to suck water from a dry faucet.
She’s kind of stubborn.
So I disconnect the fountain and bring it up to sit on the counter, right next to the sink.
Cool, fresh, running water.
She jumps back up and tries to suck water from the dry faucet.
Right next to a flowing fountain and “dying” of thirst.
She looks at me.
Aren’t you going to turn it on?
In church, we’re talking about becoming who God made us to be.
And yesterday Pastor Lynn reminded us that the becoming is a journey.
That spiritual growth involves a commitment to follow the Living Water.
Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me. ~John 12:26 (NIV)
Becoming involves being.
And being involves being with Jesus.
The Living Water.
The Fountain of Life.
But sometimes being with Jesus involves change.
And sometimes it’s hard to change.
And sometimes change causes pain.
Hurt feelings and heartache and lots of tears.
We’re experiencing some of that in our church right now.
And we’re trying to come to the point where forgiveness and unity reign.
And love.
In fact, Pastor Lynn reminded us that spiritual growth is measured by how much we love.
And I would add that it’s not how much we know or do.
That our service must flow from love.
And with loving comes listening and healing and individual responsibility.
Pastor Lynn reminded us that:
We can stand knee deep in a river and die of thirst.
Geisha finally figures out that I’m not going to turn on the faucet.
So she shrugs and begins to drink from the fountain.
I hope that as she gets used to that change, I can move it back downstairs.
And that she will follow the water.
Then maybe I can work on a bedding change since she has taken over Gracee’s old quilt that got tossed on the back kitchen floor “temporarily.”
I would prefer a more color-coordinated solution.
But I won’t attempt another change until she gets used to the first one.
Oh, and the rescue people said she would sleep with us.
She did for two nights.
What a disappointment.
She is her own person.
What helps you cope with change?
Drinking from the Fountain,
Jesus said, “Everyone who drinks this water will get thirsty again and again. Anyone who drinks the water I give will never thirst—not ever. The water I give will be an artesian spring within, gushing fountains of endless life.” ~John 4:13 (Message)
Linking up with L.L. and Michelle.
Lorna G. Poston says
I love that look she’s giving you as if to say, “The service here is terrible!”
Sandra says
Ha! She’s so abused.
Kathy Khajeh-Noori says
I think the look she is giving you is, “Please don’t make me change.” Just like us when we pray, “Lord, please don’t make me change to adjust to yet another situation. Make the situation change.” Love and survival in God’s Living Water always involves change. So glad Geisha adjusted to her “new” water, too! {{hugs}}
Sandra says
Hi Kathy! Oh, yeah. Change the situation. I don’t want to change. Been there.
She’s been going back and forth between the fountain and the faucet. I’ve moved the faucet to the floor now hoping the other cat will check it out. He’s happy enough to drink from a bowl.
Louise says
What a brilliant post Sandra — the photos are awesome and your comparison of the flowing water and change and Geisha’s struggle and our human struggle… brilliant!
Thank you!
Sandra says
Thanks, Louise! She really is a good kitty. Abused and then rescued from a “kill” shelter before we adopted her. She lets baby Lillee do anything to her. Rubs up against her and purrs. But she still won’t sleep with me any more. I was kind of counting on that. 😉
Sharon O says
My cat Smudge won’t drink out of a bowl she wants ‘fresh water’ which rarely happens so I put water in her food dish ‘a half can of soft food at night’. She will drink that. I have thought about a fountain she would use that I am sure but where do I put it? Thank you for the blog it proves to me she most likely will use it I just have to be creative with it.
Sandra says
I love that name–Smudge. They have smaller fountains. We got the bigger one for the times we are gone a little longer. You can’t let them run dry.
Cecilia Marie Pulliam says
Great post. And great analogy. Change is hard. I’ve had so much change in my life I don’t know how I’d act if things stayed the same for very long. I wonder at people lucky enough to be married to the same person, live in the same house and stay at the same job for long periods. Yet, I know God had plans for my life and it wasn’t to be the same as others. Now, I just bow my head and say, Your will, not mine. It is so much easier than fighting it. And He always gives me the strength to obey.
Love your photos!
Sandra says
You’ve been through so many big, hard changes! I’m not sure I could have walked through those fires with your grace. So glad He walked/walks with you/us.
Missuspie says
Love this! To answer your question: I go to the Word, Psalms in particular these days, because God is always faithful, the same yesterday, today, tomorrow. Also, been listening to the Daily Audio Bible podcast http://www.dailyaudiobible.com and going through the accounts of God’s leading the Israelites in the wilderness; being reminded of His protection & care strengthens my faith and reminds me that I can depend on Him to see me through the stress of change. And I call my Mom 🙂
Sandra says
Ohhh. Thanks for that link! I always wonder how those Israelites could have spent so much time murmuring and doubting when they saw Him at work right in front of their eyes!
Moms are good things to have. 🙂
Michelle DeRusha says
Yay for Geisha in taking one more step in her journey of becoming! I’m a bit stubborn like that, too. Love the message here, Sandra (and the super cute cat pics, too).
Thanks for linking up!
Sandra says
She’s a real trip. 🙂
jasonS says
You’re being a good shepherd to your kitty. 🙂 Loved this post and totally identify. Thanks Sandra.
Sandra says
Thanks, Jason! I kind of figured she was the boss of me. 😉
S. Etole says
How frequently we look for the living in the empty and dry …
Sandra says
So. True.
deidra says
“…follow the water.” Yes. I need to do that.
Sandra says