Thou has made us for thyself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in thee. ~St. Augustine
Restless one
pursued by fear
homeless and alone
spill your pain like water
make room for overflowing joy
unending blessing
and come home
for in the shelter of His presence
there is peace
And your heart
will find its rest
in Him.
Joining other poets today for One Shot Wednesday
Reflections says
Deep thoughts, tenderly yet poignantly shared. Nice One Stop Wednesday.
Sandra says
Thanks so much.
kenny says
Very nice rhythme. I liked it a lot.
Sandra says
Thank you, Kenny.
Cassandra Frear says
One of my favorite quotes by Augustine!
Sandra says
Mine, too!
S. Etole says
spilling pain and overflowing joy … what a combination and contrast
Sandra says
Can’t be filled without being emptied, right?
L.L. Barkat says
I love it that you participated in One Shot. 🙂
And your pine tree makes me smile…
Sandra says
Why does that not surprise me? 😉
katdish says
Only in Him. Beautiful, Sandy.
Sandra says
Thanks, Kathy.
gautami tripathy says
Wonderful one stop…
Sandra says
Thanks. 🙂
Shashi says
A great thought and rest in Him.. great idea… I enjoyed it very much Sandra…
ॐ नमः शिवाय
Om Namah Shivaya
Sandra says
Thanks, Shashi.
kenny says
Good Sunday!