It starts as a hint of hope,
a thin thread of red at the hem of the horizon
that gives way to an ever-widening pink streamer.
New day birthed in a candle glow that nudges black.
The sun climbs the steps of night and peeks over peak.
Breath clouds billow and dissolve.
Ribbons of light shred dark.
The veiled exposed.
Glory expodes.
Nothing left but shadows.
And we who walk in light must carry the light
to a shadow land where people hide in hovels
shrouded in shame and pain
shuttered and barred
where lions guard lies.
So we walk through the dark
sprinkle sparkle on the step,
scatter confetti on the sill
shed light beams in the lane.
Because Truth swallows lions,
and Light reigns.
Light spreader.
Dark shredder.
For those who lived in a land of deep shadows–
light! sunbursts of light!
~Isaiah 9:2 (Message)
Remember, our Message is not about ourselves; we’re proclaiming Jesus Christ, the Master. All we are is messengers, errand runners from Jesus for you. It started when God said, “Light up the darkness!” and our eyes filled up with light as we saw and understood God in the face of Christ, all bright and beautiful.”
~2 Corinthians 4:5-6
Shine this weekend!
My desire is to be a shredder too!
This is lovely – your words form a lantern shape – shedding light indeed!
and the Lion of Judah reigns … hear Him roar!
Sandra, I always love what you have to say, although I don’t always get to comment. And I love your photos! Both always beautiful!
Thanks, Lynn.
I loved every bit of this. The photos. The words.
This stands out:
Truth swallows lions
darkness shredder
Thanks. And look out. I’m heading over your way soon to catch up. 🙂
Any time you’re ready for a break from your (ahem) active routine, you just head this way! Glad that things must be going well enough for you to even think of it.
Heehee. That, too. I meant I’m heading over to your blog to catch up on posts. 😉
Raaaaght! I knew that!
(What I’m really thinking is ‘aw shucks.’ But of course! your smile is welcome anywhere, anytime. :D)