when the light
is right
and if I’m
I catch the
glitter of
tinsel dust
that floats
melted memories
of magic
and mystery
in the waiting
and anticipation
of gifts delivered
in the night
and I long
for simple times
when I delighted
in an unseen
omnipotent giver
and all I had
to do
be good.
Yet if I’m
I find
the Light
is right
and goodness
seeps from shadows
in the night
passes gentle
a Gift
and all I have
to do
If I’m still enough.
Written in response to David Wheeler’s prompt to write a poem about Noel ghosts as a Random Act of Poetry for The High Calling.
Linking hearts with Faith Barista Bonnie Gray’s challenge today to unwrap Jesus and celebrate simplicity in Christmas.
Offering these crumbs in broken communion of other imperfect writers in the advent hush.
Oh wow. Very good.
Thanks, Michael.
Incredible form, candle holder, a place for the light to shine.. like your precious heart, my friend
You are a light for Him, my FireFly friend.
Just beautiful.
Thank you, Sheila.
Thanks, Kathleen.
That’s just amazing, Sandy. Wow.
Awww, Kathy. Thanks.
Yes, that’s exactly it. 🙂
Let’s talk about it more over tea–or coffee. 🙂
Beautiful poem. And don’t we all wonder if we are still good enough and isn’t He so good to remind us over and over the Yes, indeed we are!
We can never be good enough. But because He is good, we are. Indeed.
This is really good!!
Thanks so much, April.
I really like this Sandra!
~ Wendy
Thanks, Wendy. 🙂
Beautiful, Sandy!
Hi Billy! Thanks.
That is a powerful one. Flows so gracefully–wonderful! Thank you, Sandra.
Thanks so much, Jason.
This was so. Good. Smooth, sweet taste, that is rich because you’ve been living it. Your faith has been brewing and the aroma is unmistakably His. Beautiful poetry that moved my heart, Sandy!
Oh, Bonnie. You are a Barista of Blessing.
Still is such a flexible word, and I appreciate both connotations in this poem, as an adjective and as an adverb. A wonderful play between the two.
Thanks, David. Your words have given me chill bumps. Here’s the thing. I wanted to write something for your challenge, but nothing came. Then the first lines poured into me when I first woke up, and the whole poem spilled in a matter of minutes. I did not even see the dual connotation. I am in awe. If there’s any good in this, it’s not me.
“if I’m still enough”
that is the line that will stay with me
So glad to see you in the RAP celebration! 🙂
I’m always glad to see you! 🙂
This is fantastic!
Hi Tony! So nice to see you here. Thanks.
So many secrets to be discovered through the light …
😀 I see His light through your words and photos!
Yes…beautiful words with a beautiful heart behind them!
Oh, thank you so much, Jay.
Beautiful poem, loved the shape… I also loved how you went from “all I had to do was be good” to “all I have to do is receive” – it left me pondering why, as an adult, receiving seems so very difficult, when really it’s such a simple thing and so much easier than to fit into someone else idea of “being good.”
Thanks for these thoughts, Ruth. Yes, learning to receive can be hard. Is it a control thing? A letting go thing? Childlikeness–that’s my goal.
Sometimes I find it so hard to do the receiving part.
Hmm…maybe I’m not being still enough.
I so hear you, Monica!
P.S. Your header photo — love it!
Thanks! 😀
And yet, receiving is more difficult than being good, somehow. Beautiful words, but what a paradox!
Perhaps the receiving is hard because it’s hard to feel we’re good enough?
There is stillness and hush, here in these words; in the not being good, but receiving. Truly lovely.
Thank you, Nancy.
i am so happy to rest in the hush of this day … right here
And I am happy to rest with you, Elaine.
oh, this is perfection.
i so need this. i am never still. did you know they stoned a man in bible times for gathering wood on the sabbath? i am so convicted about that…trying to stay still and enjoy december and all it has to offer…
Do you think the stillness thing is because we think we have to be doing to be good–instead of just being?
Love this Sandra. The Light is right.
Thanks, Dusty!
Oh. I am overwhelmed.
I lived most of my life trying to be “enough”…now I know I don’t have to be.
thank you for your words!
You are (I am/we are) enough, Shannon. Because He is more than enough.
dear sandra… this is gorgeous. “be still and know” he whispers… and you know. you do. i see that in this. thank you so much for linking. i love your heart.
I’m so glad He linked our hearts, Emily. So glad.
That is really beautiful!
Thanks so much, Shelley. We just need to accept it–that’s all, right?
good one
Thanks, Nancy! 🙂
This is truly beautiful Sandra! How I long for stillness in a terribly disquieting, noisy world. He IS my quiet place, my source of stillness, and you reminded me where to run when all within me is cacophony!
I just thought of Susanna Wesley with her apron over her head, seeking stillness.
Beautiful. Simply beautiful.
Thanks so much, Keli.
There is wonderful emotion in these words, and such a meaningful message! Beautifully written, Sandra. Thank you.
Oh, thank you, Carol.
I wondered if you had thought of the two meanings of “still.” That’s simply amazing how it flowed that way. This poem makes me incredibly jealous of your talent (and I’m having to beat down that green-eyed monster). This is one of the best poems I have ever read–no exaggeration.
Thank you so much, Sheila. Wow!
“And all I have to do is receive. If I’m still enough.”
Beautiful, poetic, and just want I need to ponder on my way to Deeper Still.
Praying for you. Be still. Receive. Go deep. LYI.
How do you do that? Beautiful!
I don’t know. I don’t think *I* did.
So beautiful. Glad I stopped by via Bonnie’s blog. Blessings!
Thank you, Jenn. I’m glad you stopped by, too. Still trying to make the “rounds.”