I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in. ~George Washington Carver
I got a package in the mail yesterday. I didn’t remember ordering anything that felt like clothes.
But there inside was a soft pink fleece shirt.
Along with a pink-striped silver pen and a silver key ring attached to a small watch embedded in pink leather. To take notes and time my sitting, I suppose.
But pink!
I searched through the invoice.
Aha! My mother. The lurker. She knows about the pink and the yard sitting.
Thanks, Mom.
Would you mind sending a pink snowmobile suit when it gets colder?
Anyway, the peachy pink shirt matched this morning’s colors.
And I had company. Besides the bunnies I startled who were hanging around the garden.
Who called his friends.
Who all came to admire and tune up and share the their plans for the day.
And then my imagination took flight, and I saw a coyote trotting up and down between the corn and the fence and a deer peeked around the corner of the garage.
Don’t laugh.
It could happen.
We saw drama a couple summers ago when a coyote chased three deer around the field. I think the deer won that race.
Later I rode with Dennis over to our rental house because he and his sister wanted me to take pictures of some damages. Because I’m the photography expert these days, doncha know.
And they told of one family who had come to look at the house and the little girl who called them out to their car.
“I really love this house,” she said. “I want to give you some money to hold it.”
And she gave them 35 cents.
No, they didn’t keep it.
Anyway, after taking all those pictures, I’m in a panic because my card is all filled up, and what if God broadcasts something I need to record before I can get to the store?
Is this boring? I’m not my usual disturbed Thursday self.
I not sure this this yard sitting and tuning in is good for a disturbed mind.
But maybe that’s a good thing after all.
Joining other pleasantly disturbed minds over at Duane’s place today.
What disturbs me is how early you get up! I hate to see dark when I rise in the am:))
I love those bird pictures! They are unique and cool all at the same time. Frame them!
It’s disturbing me a little, too. 😉
Thanks on the pictures. It’s a way high pine. If I had a big girl camera, I could have probably made the birdies bigger. 🙂
I love the “random” beauty in your photos!
Thanks, Jay. You two need gravatars. I love seeing your real faces.
You’re inspiring me to get up and out earlier! We have a lovely 5 acres, and so many nice places to sit and ponder things. Now if I could just find the off button for my neighbor’s dogs’ barking…:)
Ours have been surprisingly quiet. It’s the highway traffic. But I even noticed it today on the south farm several miles away. Must be thin air or something. 😉
I’m with Tiffany! I just can’t seem to get up when it is still dark outside!
Love the pictures and the post – amazing as always!
Thank you, Beth. It was a little later this morning than usual, but when I saw the sliver of gray, I knew I would miss something if I stayed put.
Oh no! NOt boring at all — very fun and lovely pics and what an interesting cornfield your mind is! Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed the read immensely!
Sweet Louise. Did you just say I was corny? 🙂
My favorite was the bird sequence. Loved that.
You are doing this!! I feel so privileged to come along and sit with you. 🙂
I am. Doing this. With you. Like a baby cardinal. And now I just got all weepy. What’s up with that?
Are those crows? I have a thing for crows.
Hi, Megan. No, not crows. Just plain ole blackbirds. I heard a crow this morning, though. I’ll try to track one down just for you. 🙂
I love this!!! It wasn’t disturbed at all. It is a broadcast. And you’re my favorite show. 🙂
It’s a little disturbed, though, right?
and there’s a squirrel looking through the door as I type this … I am enjoying your account of this time
I love it. Did you take his picture? I expect some words of wisdom attached. 🙂
I love getting up early in the morning, especially if a fishing excursion follows…love to see the sun rise over the mountains-the stillness of it all. Great pictures!
That reminds me of an early morning fishing excursion when I was a kid. I’d love to see the sun come up over the mountains. It’s been forever since I saw that. And thanks.
This is really cool, Sandra. I love your pictures and your thoughts here. I admire your new early-bird nature!