There’s a boy outside. A funny-looking boy. Standing in the middle of the plants.
But I ignore him. In fact, I’m oblivious to anything or anyone except the person who sits across the table–and the waitress who warms my coffee.
Today I share breakfast with Anne Lang Bundy who is on her way to the ACFW Conference in Indianapolis. I am excited to meet her in person. She breathes Jesus through her writing, but in her presence is His fragrance.
The hour goes by way too fast. We talk of Colorado and meeting our husbands and meeting Jesus, and we talk about our families. We talk about our writing, and we even dare to risk in our sharing. And in that time we get a brief glimpse through soul windows of joy and pain and trust and victory.
And then Anne pulls me into the land and lives of Saul and David and the people who surround them. Unpronounceable Old Testament names slip as easily from her lips as the orange juice she spoons on her pancake. Her words tumble and dance on the table, and I’m lost in her story. Here is a woman who is enthralled with the Bible, who wants to throw the window wide open to its freshness so others can inhale and become giddy with excitement, too.
I do not finish my oatmeal or my toast. I nibble on a few raisins. I’ve forgotten my disappointment in not being able to head south, too. I am more hungry to get home and “Berean” her thoughts. And I think that’s exactly how she’d have it.
I mean to have the waitress take our picture, but we’ve gone overtime, and Anne has to run, and I forget, and we hug and say goodbye.
So I snap a few pictures outside before I leave–because I have to.
And as I drive home, I begin to plan to be there next year. God willing.
Celebrating Window Views with Cassandra Frear at the Moonboat Cafe.
katdish says
Isn’t it wonderful to be able to meet online friends in person? I’ve had the pleasure of that on a few occassions. Remind me to tell you a funny story about the Kip’s big boy sometime…
Sandra says
Just goes to show they’re really are real! Now when are we meeting? I’d rather hear your story in person. 🙂
Carol Garvin says
What a wonderful encounter! I’ll bet it is the beginning of a special relationship that will bless both of you through years to come. I can’t get to my favourite conference every year but so far have been able to make it every second year and I love discovering familiar faces and names each time. These special bonds begin with the common thread of one’s love of writing (or in the case of the ACFW, also one’s faith) but can end up being so much more.
Sandra says
It’s a wondrous thing. I’ve only gone to one writing conference–in Wheaton–about 26 years ago! I remember that Charles Stanley and Karen Burton Mains spoke. And I got to meet my writing instructor and I reconnected on Facebook with a writer I’d met there and still had our pictures to share with her.
So I expect I’ll meet you in person someday at some conference. 🙂
Cassandra Frear says
And one day, you and I . . .
Sandra says
I want to hike up Big Glassy with you.
Susan J. Reinhardt says
Hi Sandy –
I’m glad you had the opportunity to meet Anne. It’s awesome when you make that kind of heart connection with another believer.
Susan 🙂
Sandra says
She’s a special lady.
Ed Cyzewski says
The way you spoke of Anne is both encouraging and challenging. What a gift to help others want more of God like that!
Sandra says
She has a gift. Definitely.
nance nAncY nanc heyyou davisbaby says
huggs to both of you lovely sweethearts.
you found some pretty flowers at the big boy.
just like the two of you…see you did get a
photo of the two of you after all!
Sandra says
T. Anne says
I’m beyond myself with jealousy that you got to meet with Anne. I love her. I’m SO glad you had a great time. Too bad about the picture! Next time, right?
Sandra says
Next time for sure. And there will be a next time. 🙂
David@Red Letter Believers says
You and Anne AND Bob Big Boy? What a breakfast! She is a joy for sure, and Bob has good stuff too.
Very jealous of your time!
Nikole Hahn says
I can’t wait until I attend my first conference. :o) It sounds wonderful!
Anne Lang Bundy says
My dear Snady ~
To meet with you and share together was finer fare than any gourmet meal we were served at the conference. I’m tempted to travel to your part of the state more often …
I can’t imagine that I’ve blessed you anywhere as much as you blessed me with this post. I have added you and other friends to my prayer list, asking the Lord to make a way for you to attend ACFW next year, as pleases Him and will bless all of you.
Thank you for this. ♥ Thank you for the love. ♥ It is sent back to you in armfuls. ♥ ~ Anne