An unexpected meal whipped out in the heat of the day.
Hard work for anyone, let alone someone pushing against the ninth decade. Even if just supervising servants.
Sweat dripped down her face and neck, trickled between her breasts.
Who were these visitors, and why was Abraham so beside himself to see them?
She stopped at the door of the tent to eavesdrop on the conversation. Maybe she took a big swig of water to quench her desert thirst.
“Next year when I come back, Sarah will have a son.”
They named him Isaac. Laughter in their old age. And an ever-present reminder that nothing is impossible for God.
Our pastor recounted that story in his sermon yesterday.
And I thought about the recent AARP commercial.
“When I grow up, I’m going to run a marathon.”
“When I grow up, I going to work with kids.”
“When I grow up, I’m going to start a band.”
And I thought of one of my favorite quotes by George Eliot.
It’s never too late to become what you might have been.
It’s never too late to respond to God’s call.
It’s never too late for God to work out His plan.
Sarah was 30 years older than I am when God gave her Laughter in her old age.
When it was impossible.
In His timing.
He brought us laughter when we had done everything we could to have a family.
When we had given up and given over.
In His timing.
And I wonder.
Is it possible, could it be that I could birth a book by this time next year?
Could that be in His timing?
Could He visit me with laughter?
Nothing is impossible.
With God.
It’s never too late.
To laugh.
” . . . he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6 (NIV)
Linking up with Bridget Chumbley’s One Word at a Time Blog Carnival on Laughter. Read about others who are laughing today.
You’re only too old for anything if you truly believe you are, with the notable exception of fashion choices.
Does that mean I shouldn’t wear my daughter’s hand-me-downs?
Oh, Sandra, this is good. And I really like the George Eliot quote.
I have been pondering those same thoughts,”What do I want to be when I grow up?” In 3 weeks I will reach #53 and I think I have decided what I really want to be when I grow up and that is a photographer. I haven’t liked my real job for a while and since I haven’t worked now in over 6 weeks, I think that it was God’s hand moving me ever so gently into a different world, a different line of work, and a different eye. I really think he wants me to see life through the end of my camera lens and with his gentle encouragement (beautiful night skies, beautiful flowers, and gorgeous grandchildren), photography is the wind of change he is bringing into my life!!! Thanks for all the encouraging words you write!!! <3
I have seen Him working that in you and out through you, too. And I’m excited. What a long way we’ve come since we first met on an MT help board.
You should go to my Solace post (the one just before this one) and check out those 3 photographers (Kelly, Claire B, and Sarah.) Such gentle beauty in their photos.
I keep forgetting to tell you. Abby framed several “First Days” Lillee pictures–and your Lillee photo claims the center of the frame. 🙂
Love you!
Amen to “all things are possible”.
Let Him continue to birth desire in your spirit, surrender it all back to Him, and He will bring to pass what He desires in you.
And that’s what it’s all about!
Like Glynn, I too love that quote.
I hope it’s true for me..:)
That is so exciting Sandra! Keep me in the loop if there’s any preview to nibble on. Go, Sandra!
Hi, sweet Bonnie. I know it’s true for you. You are off script. 🙂 I better go see if I’m addicted to goals . . .
Really needed this today…so encouraging. Love the looks of the new site too!
Good to see you here, Jeff! Thanks.
Oh, Sandra, this is awesome. And that Eliot quote…
Thanks, Monica. I love that quote. A lot. 🙂
Oh, so sweet…we tend to laugh at God’s plan for our lives because they are so much bigger than ourselves…we can’t possibly…..BUT He, is His strength and sufficiency is able to birth so much more than we can fathom.
Remember, it’s God who plants those desires in our hearts in the first place…a book…His story…YES, YES, YES! It is so possible!
Birthing the impossible is His specialty–Isaac, Samuel, John, Jesus . . . And even in our lives.
I love how we can trust our heart’s desires when He is our first love.
So blessed to have you visit.
SPEWWWW!…..I almost SPEWWWW!ed when I read that! Thanks for the laugh!
You crack me up. 😉
Such encouraging thoughts, Sandra. I love possibilities…
Thanks, Bridget. I love possibilities, too–especially impossible possibilities.
Love this, Sandra. You are inspiring me today! And you go, girl, on that book — we are cheering for you every step of the way!
😀 😀 😀
Woo-hoo! Love this, Sandy! We do sometimes chortle at God’s plans, don’t we? “What? You want me to do what?” “Who me?” But God’s plans are always the best…if we fall in line with them! I never want it to be too late for anything He says! Great post, sweetie! Blessings to you!
Thanks, sweet Lynn. Sometimes I feel I’m falling in line dragging seaweed with me. I’m so glad He’s patient.
Yes! The answer is yes! You can do it!
As for ol’ Sarah there…yesterday I received an email inviting me to join AARP. I laughed out loud right in the middle of a downtown shop when I read it.
Too funny. My own mother signed me up for AARP–I think when I was only 40!
I love your positive approach and your sense of humor! You’ve given me confidence that I can accomplish those desires in my heart that the Lord has put there.
Yes you can! We can!