Gracee never has enough paper. I find remnants of stories and song lyrics all over my house. She loves pens and colored pencils and markers and notebooks. She likes to give me writing advice. She’s very creative. And, yes, I’m prejudiced. She’s my granddaughter!
We conducted this interview over a meal of Big Boy spaghetti. Thank you, Gracee, for taking the time to answer these questions.
Gracee in One Word
1. What is your favorite sport?
2. Strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries?
3. Who is your favorite author?
4. What is your favorite animal?
5. Flip-flops, slippers, tennies, or bare?
6. What is your favorite Dairy Queen treat?
7. What is your favorite subject in school (not gym)?
8. If you had to evacuate (leave) your house and had time to grab only one thing, what would it be?
Sister. (Note: Baby Lillee is now one week and two days old.)
9. What instrument would you like to play?
10. Would you rather read about animals or people?
Gracee in One Line
1. Do you prefer to write with pen, pencil, or computer?
2. What is your favorite kind of music?
3. What is your favorite book and why?
4. What rule does your mom think is most important?
5. What do you like to write about?
My family and where we go and what we do.
6. What are some of your nicknames and which do you like best?
7. What is the most important thing to remember when writing a story?
8. How did you learn to say onomatopoeia?
9. What do you like best about walking in the cemetery?
10. What is your favorite vacation?
11. What do you like best about your grandma?
Gracee on One Thing
What one thing would you like to say to your readers or future readers?
What one thing would you like to say to fellow writers or aspiring writers?
Thank you, for sharing with us today, Gracee. You are an inspiration. And I love you.
Read more about Gracee’s writing and tips:
7 Writing Tips from a 7-Year-Old
4 Tips From a 7-Year-Old to Keep Bum in Chair
Gracee–Gold Star Young Author
Copyright © 2010 by Sandra Heska King
Lorna G. Poston says
Thank you for sharing your interview, Gracee. I love this bit of advice: "Calm down. Relax. Don't make it hard on yourself. Follow your heart. Feel what the story tells you."
One day, I hope to see a book with your name on the cover. 🙂
K.M. Weiland says
Love it! Can't wait to read your future masterpieces, Gracee!
n. davis rosback says
thanks a.grace and grandma.
good questions and answers.
Karen Lange says
Great interview! Thanks to Gracee and Grandma:)
Sandra Heska King says
Gracee is so excited about her comments! 😀
Faith Imagined says
I love this interview! Gracee has a wonderful personality and is so smart! Adorable picture of her!
Susan J. Reinhardt says
Hi Sandra & Gracee –
Wonderful interview! Gracee knows what she likes and what she wants. That's half the battle. 🙂
lynnmosher says
Gracee-girl, You are a wonder! You are very much like your grandmother. May God bless you and your writing.
Victor Travison says
Sheesh! I started writing when I was 8, and I didn't know the first thing about writing. Gracee must be very gifted indeed. And Sandy, do I detect JUST A HINT of bias in there somewhere? LOL
Sandra Heska King says
You are all such encouragers!
@Alisa: Gracee loves the camera–and yes, she's smart. I have a hard time keeping up with her.
@Susan: She can be pretty persistent, too. Most of the time that's good. 😉
@Lynn: Aww. I hope she stays in love with writing!
@"Victor": Just a hint. And she's had good teachers.
Sandra Heska King says
Adding some comments from other sites for Gracee's benefit.
From Patricia Polacco (Facebook): Thank you for sharing! I love it 🙂
"Very sweet. I think that Grace sounds like a very cool kid."
"Aw, what a smart cookie! She sounds a lot like my granddaughter. Aren't they fun? Loved reading it. Thanks!"
"Precocious little thing, isn't she?"
"I photocopied something she wrote on characters. It was right on. Out of the mouth of babes."