I stumbled today on one of my first articles accepted for publication. It appeared in The Christian Writer back in 1982, and it’s speaking to me even now as I venture back into this scary territory. Even though the editor, T.A. Norton, wrote “I like its unique concept for success,” I now find the original a bit corny. So I’ve sliced, diced and updated it just a tad.
S Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. A Christian writer puts God first.
U Understand God gives different gifts and ministries. A Christian writer must use what He gives.
C Consecrate your service to the Lord. Today. Every day. To God. Not money or fame.
C Commit your way to the Lord. Trust in Him, and He will do it. A Christian writer gives control to God.
E Endure hardship like a good soldier. A writer’s life involves dedication, discipline, and diligence.
S Study to show yourself approved. A Christian writer needs to learn the Word as well as the craft.
S Speak the truth in love. In season and out of season. Fiction and nonfiction. In all genres.
Scriptures: Matthew 6:33, I Corinthians 12:4-5, I Chronicles 29:5, Psalm 37:4-5, II Timothy 3:3, II Timothy 2:15, Ephesians 4:15
Copyright © 2009 by Sandra Heska King
Sandra, I am tapping this to my laptop. What a profound list of principles.
The first especially, is a scripture I was dealing with last night. Mediating on seeking God in this writing journey before I do anything else.
Wonderful post!
Thanks so much, Tamika.
You just reminded me that back in my early online days, I used "seekfirst" as a screen name. A lifeline for any journey.
Sandy, I love this! I agree that it's profound. Thanks for helping me keep my priorities straight!
Thanks so much for stopping in, Linda! That priority thing is something a constant struggle for me.
Love that, Sandra! What a perfect way to think about what is true success in God's sight!
Thanks, Jody. 🙂
COOL! Sandy, I loved this! Thanks for writing this. I think I'll save it!
COOL, Lynn! Thanks!