Grace Elizabeth.
Abby settled on this name just minutes before discharge.
A gift from God. And in many ways my 17-year-old daughter’s saving grace.
She has a new name this week. She even made a name tag Sunday night so teachers and schoolmates would remember.
Jewelie Elizabeth Amazing Grace.
Because “Jewelie” is “popleear.” And “I like jewels.”
She shortened it by midweek. Now simply Elizabeth Amazing Grace. The name she uses to sign her school papers.
Not so simple. Yet amazingly simple. Powerful.
Another time. Another place. Another gift. Another name.
Savior. Wonderful Counselor. Mighty God. Eternal Father. Prince of Peace.
Not so simple.
Copyright © 2009 by Sandra Heska King
Angie Jones says
Love this Aunt Sandy! Thanks for sharing! Love ya, Angie
Sandra Heska King says
Hi Angie! Isn't she a hoot? Thanks for swinging by.
Love ya back!
Bridget Chumbley says
Love this story! Love the song… I'm so glad you posted, Sandra.
Sandra Heska King says
Thanks, Bridget. So glad I had an entry in the hopper. 🙂 I love these one-word prompts!
Tricia says
What a beautiful story reminding me of God's grace in even the simple, every day things. Thank you.
Sandra Heska King says
Thanks, Tricia! And thanks for visiting.
caryjo says
Sweet! I love the creativity that floats through her head…. must have some of your DNA operating well.