Randy was supposed to come this morning to finish installing my stovetop and microwave. He cancelled. He was pretty upset over his weekend. His 5-year-old dog was hit and killed in front of his house. And then he was in an accident where his truck was totalled. He’s looking for a loaner. We rescheduled for tomorrow morning.
My son was also in an accident Saturday night. He was hit from behind while waiting to turn left. He’s okay. His truck not so much. The other driver was on her cell phone. She got a ticket.
Little pebbles. Larger stones. Small rocks. Tremors and little quakes that rattle us in the midst of our routine. While we are watching a ball game or enjoying our chai latte.
How do you stand?
How do you stand when the boulders smash into your life? How do you stand when the storms swirl, and you feel as if you will be knocked off your very foundation?
How do you stand when…
Your family turns to you to make the decision about unplugging your mother-in-law’s ventilator?
You cannot bear to attend another church service on Mother’s Day while you walk through the valley of infertility?
Your daughter is badly hurt by someone you allowed in her life?
You are only 38, and the breast cancer has spread?
You find your husband slumped over with a gun next to him?
You discover your child is a “cutter?”
You receive the news that your son was killed in the line of duty?
You are bankrupt because of job loss or investing in someone’s get-rich scheme?
You __________ (fill in the blank)?
How do you stand?
You stand on the Word of God and His character. You cling to Him knowing that He walks with you, carries you, holds you, and will bring you through whatever the situation. You praise Him in the midst of the circumstance and you trust Him to bring good out of it. You cry–and you remember that joy comes with the morning. You give it all to Him. You fall to your knees. And then you rise up and stand firm.
I know. I’ve been there. I’ve seen others walk there.
“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm.” Psalm 20:7-8
How do you stand?
You are so right! I've been there, too.