I bought this book–A Journey Through Literary America–as a gift to myself directly from the website, on sale and autographed. But it’s also available on Amazon. It’s “a literary pilgrimage in photography and prose.” Thomas Hummel (writer) and Tamra Dempsey (photographer) set out to find the stories and explore the places that inspired 26 of […]
in which I rediscover the nun’s story in the soul of me
My mom thought I should become a flight attendant—mostly so she could get discounted travel. But I wasn’t quite tall enough, and my vision was less than perfect. I’d read The Nun’s Story by Kathryn Hulme. So I wanted to be a nun. Or a missionary nurse in Africa. Or both. I never considered […]
Sunday Seasoned Sayings: Samuel Lover
When once the itch of literature comes over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratching of a pen. But if you have not a pen, I suppose you must scratch any way you can. ~Samuel Lover